Why do black voters dislike progressives?

Why dance around the bush it’s because he’s gay. To busy trying to look busy at work to look it up but straight from Wiki.

“Homophobia is considered prevalent in the African American community.”

Ok, thanks. I was worried. I get called homophobic when I am “socially conservative”.

they vote dem because everything they’ve done for them. such as, destroy their neighborhoods and be husbands to their unwed baby mommies

I wasn’t beating around the bush. This is how i write on these boards :slight_smile: I leave the obvious to the imagination of the reader.


Well you asked who supported booker and I gave you an answer that doesn’t fit you narrative. Cory very popular among all people in jersey, just not presidential timber.

Sorry to spoil your narrative. I try not to do it next time out.


It was tongue and cheek

For whatever reason they failed to grasp this…and for life of my I don’t understand why not. It’s not a hard concept.

I asked no such thing.

Ok, thanks.

It doesn’t work for them.

I love these threads!!


To me homophobia has a specific meaning and it exists irrespective of social conservatism.

But would they vote 90% democrat if a real progressive was the nominee, not a left of center Obama/Hillary candidate, but a real fringe progressive burn the system down fruitcake like Sanders?

And undereducated whites vote trump for the exact same reason.


It was actually and is going quite well. And then…

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I despise homosexuality.

I am also a social conservative. Homophobia has nothing to do with it.


oh cool! me too!

Are you more educated than he or I?


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