Why did the GOP vote against vet healthcare bill?

“Well” is relative, but sure, if it serves a small part of the population, so the rest can subsidize it, and is backed up with private options. Oh, and Trump reforms it…lol!

I would not want govt run health care as I can see Cal’s roads. We are taxed to the max, and the roads are lumpy. Also if you want quick health care here, you go to a urgent care center that only takes people who can pay.

There you go.

Yes, but only one party is in charge.

LOL indeed.

Never believe anything Trump says.

The VA Choice Act, or the Veterans Access to Care through Choice, Accountability and Transparency Act, was passed in 2014 under President Barack Obama.

Yes! We denied vet benefits!!!

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Wow. That is awesome.

I figured it was something like that. Out of this world spending bill by the libs and they deceptively pick out some small part of the bill and claim the GOP voted against it because of that.

They’ve been using this deceptive tactic for at least 50 years now.

Guess they are not content with the crazy inflation. They want Super Inflation.


Yet Democrats are never expected to fix it, only Republicans are blamed.

Last time I looked, Nancy Pelosi was Speaker of The House, so what has she done to fix our problems?

Seems to me she is more interested in enriching herself and the Globalists that control her.

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Too bad Cruz didn’t know how to make a fist back in '16. He might be president now.


The deceptive tactic of taking what should be a popular bi-partisan bill and putting a poison pill in it that no Republican could vote for and then pull the standard Republicans hate vets, children, animals etc.


Not mentioned in the narrative is that the GOPs are working to remove the poison pill so they can vote for the actual point of the bill.

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Cut the pork out of it. One page.

[quote=“RTchoke, post:25, topic:242592, full:true”]

All the holier than thou sanctimony from the fringe left Joe Biden voters in this thread is pretty sickening…

The question of “why vote against this was asked, answered…examples were presented by someone with first hand knowledge of how the process currently works…and the left wing fringe class just blew right by all of it.

Those are the people who gave us Biden.


There is a video out there by Jon Stewart, specifically addressing this BS.

I would link it, but there is some salty language in it…

The basic fact is they voted for this bill on 6-16.
Nothing has changed, and now they don’t vote for it.

Nothing changed in the bill.

What happen in the last 4 weeks?

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You can link it with a language warning. Use the link function.

Strong language warning!

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Cut the pork. One page.

What pork?
Specifically what is not related to vets?

Anything not related to the vets. Any “tricks”. Stop pissing away money in Ukraine. Take away the excuses.


What specifically are you referring to?

There are no tricks.

It was always mandatory spending.

Did you watch the video?

The commercials write themselves.

But the Dems will blow it.

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