Celiac Disease is a lot like other diseases, in that you either have a genetic tendency or you don’t.
I’m with you on antibiotics, I don’t see the issue with GM crops.
You mean insects etc that aren’t put off by some of the alterations to the crop?
I was a Republican, a happy registered one for most of four decades. I was a Registered Republican from March of 1975 until April of 2917, for 42 years.
The last 5 years or so I saw the “big tent” shrinking. I saw the leadership of the Republican party moving in a direction I could not really follow, and it’s embrace of Trumpism was about the last straw.
When Trump was elected, it was that December tweet, where he defined people who did not goose step to his ways of thinking as his enemies, well that was the last straw.
The Republican party and Trump had finally LEFT me out.
no worries, Lou. Both wings are garbage anyway.
That becomes a labelling issue.
The 10% will eventually be catered to with GM crops not loaded with gluten if it’s a real issue, imo.
Very optimistic, yet very dismissing of a real and growing problem. I’m not here to convince you to care though, so no worries. Lets get this bowl lit!
Yeah but there is this “gluten intolerant” craze going on right now. A boon for cealiacs given all the new dietary options, i’m just not convinced it’s any more prevalent than it once was.
Who stopped caring? I still think it’s out of control. Especially in places with societies that can’t sustain big populations.
It’s convenient for us computer users at the very top of the global economy though. All the children who don’t starve to death or get killed by various elements of human (un)civilization have the potential to grow up and buy Nikes.
The planet, in full ecumenopolis mode, can support trillions of people. But since people are involved I don’t see that happening.
The craze is the same as it always is - a growing number of people show up with a legitimate problem, and hypochondriacs everywhere flock to be afflicted with the newest pity party from those they know. lol
Sort of. Over time the insects are not only no longer put off by the modification but they begin building up immunities that make them resistant to insecticides in general. Similar to super-viruses
abortion .
Rootworm, one of the most destructive pests in corn production, was abated for years by the development and adoption of Bt corn. Bt corn is engineered corn with the genes of the bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis, poisonous to rootworm, inserted in it. With the adoption of Bt corn, introduced initially in 1996 to counter European corn borer and again in 2003 to counter rootworm[6], insecticide use on corn acreage fell from 25% in 2005 to 9% in 2010.
However, in the last several years, farmers and scientists have found rootworms with resistance to Bt corn. A study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences by entomologists at Iowa State University and the University of Illinois asserts numerous incidents in different states across the US of resistant rootworm. Initially, the rootworm was only resistant to one of the three varieties of Bt corn. However, scientists have now found resistance to a second variety as well. In addition, developing resistance to one variety increases the chance of developing resistance to a second. So the effort of biotech companies to create new genetically engineered seeds with “stacked traits” in one doesn’t seem like that good of an idea anymore.
Building up resistances to insecticides is happening in non-GM crops as well isn’t it?
At least with GM crops we can stay more easily ahead of the curve, given the profit risks.
I believe they’re (finally) working on new antibiotics now that the least-measure one’s are becoming more and more used.
I’ll admit to being a tad gung-ho when it comes to genetic manipulation . I don’t want Govts pumping the breaks, I want them to double-down and lift some of the ethics restrictions re: animal testing:.
Yeah. It looks l’ll be switching bawasck to Libertarian myself.
I was an L for a long time until they got silly about the WoT. Felt good too since so much of the goldbug Paulbot banker-conspiracy-theorist kook wing were making fools of themselves here at he time.

We’ll be cloning meat long before 2100, so there’s no worries about food.
Yuck…I glad i’ll be dead. But then who knows with new organ technology, lol!

Building up resistances to insecticides is happening in non-GM crops as well isn’t it?
Yes improper IPM does create issues but not to the degree that exposure to low dosage, non-lethal amounts of the same toxins does.
Don’t get me wrong, I am still a proponent for GMO because there are simply regions where it’s necessary. But I also believe it is not being implemented responsibly similar to antibiotics.
I’d be just fine with $5 pounds of filet mignon. lol

I’d be just fine with $5 pounds of filet mignon. lol
at first, It will just be a bunch of beef cells, not a specific muscle. Good for burger. But, who knows later.

Yes improper IPM does create issues but not to the degree that exposure to low dosage, non-lethal amounts of the same toxins does.
Don’t get me wrong, I am still a proponent for GMO because there are simply regions where it’s necessary. But I also believe it is not being implemented responsibly similar to antibiotics.
I mean widespread farm practices are basically a case example of irresponsible implementation.
But in terms of resistances, it develops even quicker with using only insecticides vs GM. Could be avoided if it was done responsibly as you say, but we both know the chances of that happening.
So, i’ll take staying ahead of the curve by a few extra years.

Because they want mass immigration that can’t be assimilated and all the retirement entitlements programs are pyramid schemes that are unsustainable without ever increasing populations.
Powa became their top priority. We haven’t heard a peep from them over population for years. If we can squeeze in 20 or 30 million more government dependent, mass reproducing third world types, then powa is theirs forever. They couldn’t care less about the plight any refugee. As long as they get to vote.