Why did Joe flip flop?

Err no. My logic involves engaging in business with illegals, just like hiring them. But thanks for showing, it’s not about curbing illegals, it’s about punishing the lefts favorite whipping boy.

One can curb illegals - but its not a straight forward approach like building some stupid wall. There are many aspects to it. If there are no jobs here in the US for illegals, then illegals won’t be as driven to come here. Punish the businesses, deport the illegals. Make them go through the same process as any other person wishing to come to America legally.

There’s no punishing Trump*. He’s the dolt out there yapping on about some miraculous fence that’s gonna end illegal immigration. Maybe if she’d stop thinking in slogans, and through things through, his approach to curbing illegal immigration might work better. And again, maybe he should set an example by having his own businesses fined for hiring illegals. Or is he allowed because if the Dershowitz Doctrine?

Cutting illegals off from financing, places to live, shopping and banking, would also curb their desire to come here. All business transactions or none. Take your pick.

I agree on that. If a bank or housing knows someone here illegally, then they should be punished as well.

No one knows who is illegal or not when shopping. I mean, are you gonna ask people to provide ID to buy bread and milk?

Shopping with a credit card or check, should have been clearer sorry. Milk? No, I don’t see any reason not to require it for major purchases though.