Why can't people stop telling others what to do

You don’t need an infinite number of schools. What’s your solution for replacing bad schools?

I’m not against govt, I’m against tyranny…


No more so than you trying to justify your selfishness

Your problem is not my problem. But thanks anyway.

Not school choice. It will only exacerbate the issue. Compton High School is about 10 miles from Brentwood High School. Brentwood Hills high is school one of the top high schools in the county. Brentwood is located in an area with multi million dollar homes.

Brentwood is also filled to capacity.

Let’s say school choice became a thing and 1000 kids from Compton high school wanted to attend Brentwood… how would those kids get into Brentwood? There is no room. There is no better school within a 10 mile radius for Brentwood students… so they aren’t going anywhere.

Let’s say they were some how able to add 1000 kids to Brentwood… how would that impact the school? Maybe the school is successful because of their size.

School choice is a myth because the top schools are already full and those kids aren’t leaving.

You don’t know if that’s truth. So, you have no solutions for bad schools. Just do nothing?

Improve the neighborhood, improve the school.

History shows that voting for democrats makes your neighborhood worse. See any city they run.
So your solution is to stop voting for democrats…

Why do you suppose some schools are better than others?

Classic…In memory of Richard Trumpka.

Champion against selfish bastards.

The best schools are usually in the best neighborhoods. They also receive more tax dollars and donations because they are usually in higher income areas.

School choice would change nothing because the kids already going to a good school aren’t going to leave to go another good school further away. Nor would those kids go to a bad neighborhood.

But you said improve the neighborhood and the schools improve.

Wouldn’t that require the folks in the community?

They don’t actually.

We have already tried this in places like Indiana and Florida.

What actually happens is precisely what Purpl said would happen.

Additionally there’s a bunch of fraud as private schools claim a lot of state funding while not actually taking on students.

In my state, several of the academies weren’t even meeting the basic educational standards

When public schools fail to teach year after year is that fraud?

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