Why are you NOT voting for Trump? (This thread complements the similarly named thread.)

I keep wondering this. What would be enough for you to vote for Biden over Trump?

Russophiliac. Run of the mill french communist.

Jesus. Nobody asked why you are not voting for Long Island.



Most of the criticisms I have seen throughout the thread are right on, as they refer to Trump the man. Obviously, the policy criticisms, from my point of view, are hit and miss. :smile:

My reasons for voting against Trump.

  1. The man is a pathological sociopath.

  2. The man is a pathological narcissist.

  3. The man has those two pathological elements in combination, which magnifies the bad of each.

I was aware of these defects years ago, long before he entered the political arena. That is why I was among the first here to oppose his candidacy and the reason I ultimately voted for Hillary Clinton. Every thing he is and does as a man stems from those three issues above. Those three issues are the root of the problem. Everything that Trump says and does, as thoroughly detailed by the posters in this thread, ultimately stems from the combination of those three root elements.


I think we should elect true Socialists! Not because I support socialism, but just to trigger Conservatives. Just like the Conservatives elected Trump to trigger Libs!!! That’s pretty much what politics has come down to in this day and age.

:rofl::+1: Good one!

You stalking me?:wink::thinking:

Don’t flatter yourself. I’m a mod; I stalk everybody.

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“Conservatives” would know know true socialism if it kicked them in the ass. It’s all scary words AM radio repeats.

Now if you ask these same “conservatives” about their Medicare or social security, they’ll hem and haw about it. Make excuses. Change subject.

Sartre once said that happiness was skiing without leaving tracks in the snow.

I like that.

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That’s it, please share with us the influence China has on you like Joe.:rofl:

Because I’m not a US citizen. Not that that will be stopping others on the left from voting for the Democrat candidate…


< takes bow >

Trump’s constant war on mail-in voting, and him stating that the only way that Biden can win is if the election is rig is another reason why I will not vote for Trump. Link