Why are we holding political prisoners in the United States?

no one is being locked up without due process.

I know you’re really enjoying your comfort narrative of persecution and victimhood - but you’re missing a pretty big factor.

Antifa is better at crime than the Capitol clowns. They wear masks and all black to avoid being identified and don’t leave paper trails - rather than post selfies to their Instagram mid felony.

You should read some of the charging documents.



My mistake.

People pleading guilty because of overwhelming evidence to their crime is TYRANNY!!!


Perhaps a better question is why are people being arrested before the investigation is complete?

they are arrested once the DOJ has enough to move forward with charges on a case by case bases.

Agenda 21.

The DOJ isn’t investigating.

Lol most of those dudes are got ROR. Didn’t even have to put up bail.

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Y’all just be saying anything.

Pelosi Posse is investigating. I think it is only right to hold off on arrests until we know what happened.

And you need to stop trying to use AAVE, your pass has been pulled.

We have a legal system where prosecutors are free to misrepresent evidence and withhold exculpatory evidence with virtually zero risk of any punishment. There are many cases where people who plead guilty are eventually found to be innocent.

A real crime is that dozens of prisoners are held without bail under abusive conditions. Even Senator Warren has spoken out about the conditions.

The pretext for pretrial detention was that the defendants are dangerous insurrectionists. The problem is that the FBI has admitted that there is little evidence of advanced planning, so they are arresting hundreds and holding many without trial for basically trespassing and vandalism.

No one has been charged for insurrection. No firearms were seized in the Capitol.

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Just like Assange…

Besides the website, what do you think of holding these people without a speedy trial?

Doesn’t look like many of them are being held.

Looks like the vast majority of them are out on bail.

So, some are held then?

Well… we know of one who has plead guilty.

Lol. Hard to be a prisoner if you are free.


How can you be a political prisoner when you are charged with actual crimes.

Breaking into the capitol is an actual federal crime.

Which the majority of the people who are charged are guilty of.


It is difficult to take this post seriously given what the USA has done previously.