Why are we holding political prisoners in the United States?

Some additional information.

Probably because you failed to do third grader analysis of the OP to determine they are making ■■■■ up? Most have been released pending trial.

Yes, an obscure website proves that he is guilty even before the trial.

Lock him up without trial forever!

Innocent until proven guilty only applies to Antifa!

The US has lost any credibility when it lectures other countries about human rights abuses and free elections.

Obscure website?

It is a site started by Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit.

Is that obscure?

Have any of the Capitol rioters been denied their due process?

The government used the false narrative of a police officer murdered by fire extinguisher to lock people up without trial. It took months for the government admit that the police officer died from natural causes even though it should have been obvious that there were no trauma injuries associated with the alleged attack with a fire extinguisher.

Meanwhile Antifa are allowed to leave without bail for charges related to violent crimes.

The person in question… Devlyn Thompson… was caught on tape assaulting an officer and has plead guilty.

Is he a political prisoner?

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Did he receive a fair trial?

Assume that most of the public defenders hate the people they are working with are little more than shills for the FBI.

There are reports of multiple homicides on January 6 and all of them were the result of actions by the Capitol police. If the Gateway Pundit reports it, it must be true:

If police had treated BLM/Antifa with similar results, Washington would have burned and the media would be non-stop demands for lynching the cops.

They had him on tape.

So I am sure that he did.

No, it didn’t. Everyone who was arrested, charged and held in custody prior to their trial did so under court order - only judges can make decisions regarding pre-trial release.

You know, due process.


Well, he didn’t actually have a trial - because he pled guilty.

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The judge made their decisions based on clearly false information from the FBI, Captiol Police and the media.

A probability of Trump supporter getting a fair trial in DC is about like that of a Black man facing an all white jury in Mississippi in the 1950s. The city is one-party dictatorship.

The judges made their decisions based on the evidence and law contained in both party’s filings and motions.

If you have any evidence to suggest that any judges made their decisions based on false evidence, let’s see it. It’s all public record.

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Federal judges are appointed by the President, not the city.

At least you’ve admitted they got due process - even in the infantile “It’s not fair” context.

Y’all’s minds are gonna be blown when you find out what’s been going on at Guantanamo Bay for 20 years.


Yes, we have a legal system not a justice system. Follow a flawed process with players who are clearly biased and every thing is fine.

For example, Antifa rioted in DC in January 2017. They tried to prevent the inauguration of the President. Some were arrested and released on bail. Most had their charges dropped without trial.

Unlike the January 6 protestors, none were arrested in predawn raids by FBI SWAT teams. The FBI did not spin tales about insurrection nor did they make false claims about murder of a police officer.

In 2021 there has been only one Capitol Policeman who was murdered in a terrorist attack. Unlike Officer Sicknick, who died from a stroke, he never laid in state in the Capitol. The attacker was a Black Nationalist, so it is ignored by the media and the FBI.


It is clear that law enforcement, prosecutors, and the courts in DC are incredibly biased.

don’t break the law if you don’t wanna to go jail.

Unless you are Antifa, then you have a get out-of-jail-free card.

Whining is never a good look.