Why are there STILL riots in Minnesota?

They charged the 21 year-old with him with the gun.

Dude, we’re seeing them 3 or 4 times a week.

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I’m not following?

No. Not at the cost of a life.

Yes stats don’t work on this issue I found out a long time ago. Seems to be a crusade to end policing. As long as they don’t do it here I say let them run their experiment.

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As determined by whom?

The armor is tarnished now. They’d better adjust.

Not at the cost of any life regardless if you (c) are a cop or not.

They violate rights constantly. We hear about the worst cases. They lie, threaten. They’re out of control and we did it. Everything is a reason for stop and ID.

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In certain areas, yes. Not in others.

It has been run. Think of Detroit.

Seems like what the libs want is to pigeon-hole folks into blighted communities where no one can prosper in an honest fashion.

Same thing they are doing at the border.

Many are not out of control. Many more are not out of control than are.

If everything is a reason to stop, then it is the people who are ignorant of laws being passed and vote or don’t vote.

For instance, I had NO IDEA that hanging an air freshener from your rear view mirror was illegal. How about all of the folks I see hanging face masks now on their rear view mirrors? Is that illegal, too?

What if I douse it in Fa-breeze before I hang it up?

Edit to add, I think hanging anything from your mirror is tacky just like bumper stickers. :woman_shrugging:

Yes they are because the law is out of control.

Yes. In Texas, if you start your car to warm it up in the winter and go back in the house, the cops can cite you.

Thus, the point of the rest of my post.

Who voted to allow that?

I didn’t.

I hate it when the pesky truth gets in the way of a narrative.

Of course you didn’t.

How many people are oblivious and what responsibility do they have for laws they find are asinine?


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Pelosi is Speaker of the House. What part of America voted for her and who does she really represent?

How about we hold the voters responsible for the laws that get passed that are asinine?

She represents the part of the country which has no problem with people dropping their pants and taking a dump on the street.