Why are the Democrats pushing ahead with only candidiates promising an unpopular radical socialist agenda?


And by push polling, if the internet media platforms and other globalist loyal media outlets succeed in pushing up the voter turnout for Democrats and suppressing the messaging of conservatives, the result will appear to support the preceding push polls. Nice con. But they are not including the God and the prayers of the common men and women into their “insurance policy 2.0”.

The abortion up to the time of the first breath policy.
The illegal alien import and protection policy.
The banning of fossil fuels policy.
The disarm civilians policy.

Where does Australia fit in the continuum USA to Venezuela? We have universal health care;pharmaceutical benefit scheme and a national disability insurance scheme.

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This chart from the NYT’s the party has swung hard to the left, whether to their benefit or detriment.

Sorry, but as usual, the conservative thinking is (as it should be) in the minority. The majority of clear-thinking Americans support all those policies.

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Maybe I have…but by the same token…Democrats…unhappy with the same things, have seen things go an entirely different direction…Just my observation as someone who at times straddles both sides of the fence here. I am a conservative, who doesn’t at all like the president’s behavior. So I don’t like that. Yet I also see from the liberal side of things, that they don’t like his policies…I don’t like some of them and some of them I do.

It comes down to me…that he has this ten pound sledge hammer, and insists on pounding the square peg into the round hole…and because he has that 10 pound sledge (his ego, and his give a damn attitude) He calls that winning. I don’t see it that way…and neither do a lot of the democrat/liberals. Forcing isn’t winning…Just my opinion.

NPR twisted the results of the Washington Times poll on immigration. Bottom line most Americans have sympathy for the so called dreamers, at the same time they are for better border security as well as a merit based immigration system based on skill sets. Basically we’re all over the place.

Right from the start in the article “Given the choice between “open borders” — a position that no mainstream political leaders are proposing — and a “secure border,” which is current U.S. policy, 79 percent of Americans agreed that the U.S. needs “secure borders.”

In reality in the first Democratic debate every single Democrat raised their hand for decriminalizing the border which is open borders just a different word for it.

Your opinion, but not the ideas of Democratic candidates. Right-wing radio is leading you wrong yet again.

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There are over 11 million more Americans that are registered as Democrats than Republicans. That is why there are more Democrats than Republicans that are polled.

No kidding considering likes of Obama and Clinton where to the right of Ronny Reagan in many policies. Reagan went after corporations like GE that where not paying taxes. That something now considered far left socialist thinking. Idiot Far Right have moved this country so far right that now Nazis are loved in the GOP.

Good Analysis. And I read somewhere that there were about 16% of the people in Pennsylvania who voted for Sanders in the primary ended up voting for Trump in the general election. During the 2018 midterms, Democratic Senator Casey of PA easily won reelection.

Funny thing about that… Trump has done more to support Israel than any other president, and moved our embassy to Jerusalem.

I watched the debates, I know what was asked about decriminalizing the border and making it instead a civil offense.


“Raise your hand if you think it should be a civil offense, rather than a crime, to cross the border without documentation.”

-This is making it a civil offense which would send a message to anyone planning on coming here illegally that it’s much easier, and less of a crime. To be fair Sen. Michael Bennet didn’t raise his hands and yet he didn’t qualify for the upcoming debates.

Another good one

“This is a show of hands question and hold them up so people can see. Raise your hand if your government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants,”

  • This means taxpayer funded healthcare for illegals I don’t need Rush or Fox News to explain these questions and answers to me.

Making it a civil offense is not decriminalizing it. Strike 1.
Anyone can get health care by walking into a public hospital insurance or not. Strike 2.