Why are our schools still closed?

I’m 52.

Pretend I was 45.

Live my life…Chances are I’ll get it.

And what do I do about the fact my wife has to take care of her 80yo mother? Sequester my wife from the kids and me so she can keep doing that? Or stop taking care of her mother? And the fact that one of my key employees has pre-existing conditions? so when we go back to work…how will that work out for him?

Okay :slightly_smiling_face:

I’d be fine with a tax deduction on my end for doing the bulk of the actual classroom work in their place. I was their teacher for a quarter of the year. Any one of their teacher’s monthly salaries are about equal to my tax liability each year. My oldest has 5 teachers on an average day in third grade.

Seems fair to me. :man_shrugging:

Yes, that is the biggest concern.

Do you not understand how contagious this is?

Kids might not be in great danger, but their families and communities are.


If they are homeschooling, they should not be forced to pay taxes towards the local public schools.

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there is the option of keeping your own children out of school if risk factors are there.

there is no “great number” of unreported CVD deaths, if anything, its over reported.

as for the rest… wear a mask.

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Children are disgusting little plague-ridden monsters that get the adults in the house sick constantly even when they’re isn’t a global pandemic?


seeing as how 22% of new yorkers have already had it and 90%+ don’t even know it… so what?

No arguments from me on that but I can also see the argument that we are part of a society or community which will benefit from an educated citizenry.

It’s incredible that in America, even a pandemic becomes this weird political thing…and now, l ‘conservatives’ feel compelled to argue that it’s really not a big deal…


what does any of that have to do with the rest of us who don’t have those issues?

New York has had more deaths than most countries. Why are you pointing to that state as proof that it’s no big deal for 22% of the population to get COVID 19?

NY is exactly why we DON"T want 22% to get this!

My daughter’s teacher provides lesson plans and activities each day. She also sends video messages and leads video calls with the class. Some teachers are working quite hard.

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You seem legitimately unclear about how the spread of a disease works.


Cool story bro.

it was a big deal. we know more than we did. we know children are at very little risk.

Sorry but you live in a community. Sometimes…I know this might sound shocking, almost religious…sometimes we have to do what is right for others, not just ourselves.

There is a fantastic book about this. Ripe with themes of the virtue of sacrifice, caring and loving others…it’s called the New Testament.


Here’s a question. Since we are requiring kids to access education primarily through online means … when do we start making internet access free and universally accessible?

I’m glad you enjoyed my story.