Why are Democrats accelerating the collapse of cities they control?

*[quote=“wonderingrover, post:14, topic:229002, full:true”]
I stopped reading at “communist virus.” Even if someone managed to find a virus with a political persuasion, viruses can’t vote.

It came from "communists. It’s being weaponised against populist nationalist economies by communists.

Ok. It doubled in 6 years. How?

since you so anti communism and socialism we can assume you’re going to reject your stimulus check correct???

When the Democrat-run cities’ economies shut down, liberals will move out into less over-crowded red zones … which is the Dem plan.

Because that is the nature of finding new fields. The fields in California are fairly mature by comparison. With the advent of hydraulic fracking and horizontal drilling, all that oil in ND became attainable.

In all the places I’ve ever lived, one of the secrets I found is that there’s always some very cool, unique things about my new home but it takes a local native, to show them to you. I’m not interested in “access to things”. I can drive and find them but…those in the areas you’re referring to, will never discover the hidden secrets in rural areas.

BAM! Thank you. And what pray tell does the California culture say about fracking?

To stop Trump fracking plans, California is going to court

California took legal action Friday to block the Trump administration’s plans to open federal lands in California to oil and gas drilling, including the controversial practice of hydraulic fracturing.

But one example.

I rest my case.

When are you guys going to realize that the vast majority of Democrats are capitalists and not communists?

Mature fields have far less jobs. CA is mature.

Not on the fed or state level, but I think we’re going to see cities getting more aggressive because the leaders are clearly frustrated with people ignoring shelter-in-place. I do know some citations have been handed out for people not respecting the 6 foot rule for social distancing.

There aren’t a whole lot of unconventionals in CA. Are you confusing unconventional with conventional? Only in unconventional does fracking come into play. ND has far larger reserves in the unconventionals than CA.

Who said anything about communists?

Libs are regulatory socialists.

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North Dakota is fracking by your own admission.

California isn’t nearly as much and fighting what there is.

What does fracking do for “mature fields”?


There are some counties in Texas. I saw $1,000 and/or 180 days in hoosegow.

ND is fracking because they have lithologies that demand it. California has far more conventional plays and limited unconventional reserves. Total reserves in CA are about a third of ND and most of CA’s reserves are conventional.

Mature conventional fields? Not much.

Then why is California suing to stop fracking in California?

The OP

How would you define “regulatory socialist”? In addition, how would you define “regulatory capitalist?”

That just seems counter productive.

Ok, that was a long time ago.

Controlling the means of production by regulation.

:rofl: That’s what I said. That county has had one case :crossed_fingers: and she is recovering or recovered. Mild symptoms, thank the Lord.