Why AGI will likely wipe out humanity

No, gravity would do the work if the surface was softened. It’s the simplest solution by far.

How do you know when you’ve removed the right amount of material? You have to measure it somehow. Precision instruments are required.

Can’t say I have seen any deep imaging, I only know the seams are way tight for the known tools of the period.

Freely admit this is pure speculation.

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I don’t think current big pharma could have come up with ayahuasca.

Awful lot of hammers and stuff from back then. It’s the measuring that takes precision. Working the stone isn’t too surprising.


Yes … You deifying yourself. :smirk:

45 years in the trades. I’ve met many many craftsmen in that time. I know of what I speak.

But how awesome would that be if some silly stuck up rando on hannity dot com was the one single person on Earth to actually be able to replicate (WiTh SkILLz!) Egyptian granite crafting? :rofl:

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Oh, for gosh sakes. A real Masonic kingpin. Break out the black and white tiles, the level and the compass and the seal of the secret tomb of Sennacherib.

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Sure you do … learned your trade from old Incas, right? :+1:

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I’m old but not that old.

You think they are smarter than modern humans?

You still haven’t proven your wild ass claim? Get out of here. :rofl:

You tell us. They built those structures without modern metallurgy, power tools, precision measuring devices and heavy lift machinery. You can’t replicate what they did and neither can (so far) anyone else. So stop pretending.

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We have surpassed their precision and have been for decades. Hubble mirror for example.

Even you could learn some of their techniques.

What are you all arguing about here? Is it that you, FL Yank, couldn’t engineer the pyramids, or is it that humans couldn’t have engineered the pyramids, so it must have been aliens?

I thought the claim was we/you could do it with the tools they had access to? Pretty sure we didn’t make the hubble mirror with a bronze axe.