Why AGI will likely wipe out humanity

They didn’t need to be a super race, just people with techniques we don’t know.

And skills that no arrogant forum dwellers will ever demonstrate. :rofl:


My money is on some sort of solvent technique. Only way ai can see to get such a tight fit, turn the stone surface to mush with a solvent.

Perhaps perhaps not, but there is practically deification going on here.

Geopolymers would’ve been the coolest though. So the cycle goes. :man_shrugging:

I don’t know how to make a flint arrowhead, doesn’t mean I think people who did are gods.


No, grinding wouldn’t work for those sizes.

Just one simple vase made out of granite. You’d think some genius would’ve demonstrated how they did it by now. lol

Pulverizing a flat surface strategically is not grinding. It can be more precise.

But don’t listen to me, I am pretty sure domesticated animals were genegeneered by a pre history advanced civilization too.

No idea what pulverizing means in this context. If you don’t mean grinding.

Everything going further back than the Quaternary Period is completely gone too. Turned over and ground to dust long ago. Much of it at the bottom of the ocean. You’d never even know they were there unless you were looking for something very specific at a very specific time and place.

Tectonically subsumed.

In a million or so years, no one will ever know we existed either. :man_shrugging:

We should have went the bio route instead of the machine route, we may not leave any chance of survivors. Then again, if they went bio they aren’t here either. So that probably only works enough better for another climb up.

If you hit or tap the flat surface of a stone, a small portion gets turned to dust by being pulverized, changing however little, the shape.

Would seem to require precision equipment. As opposed to a solvent and a brush.

You have to measure the results no matter the method.

Somehow they managed to put ayuhuasca together, a drug that only works in conjunction with an oxidase inhibitor which isn’t exactly common. Makes me suspect a prior more biologically knowledgeable precursor civilization.