Who's ready for a little common sense?

What did Vicki Weaver do that threatened the life of her killer?


Liberals have amped up the “white supremacy RACISM RACIST” accusations exponentially over the last few years. If I was a cynic I would wonder if the left isn’t actually trying to keep the black community in its place after the last president, you remember him right the guy they kept calling a racist who’s policies created record low back unemployment and who increased the votes he got from African Americans, that guy…it’s almost like they need to amp up that racism claims because those policies worked.

It’s a cliche but if everything is racist then nothing is racist.

I present to you Chicago, Baltimore, Philadelphia, NYC, LA and St. Louis as examples of the same governmental routine, leading to disastrous results that have continued on for decades. These governments create the environments, that then creates the culture, that then develops into the greatest number of murders and acts of violence in the country.

75% of cops in America should not carry a weapon.

And they all have something in common…

Years of Democrat leadership, if you could call it that.

Sorry, a person being disrespectful does not “escalate” the situation, unless the cop is a power hunger ass, he still needs to act professional.

Mary wept, the problem is the enclosure of the wild, the free, the public by massive, penetrative, snooping, lurking corporate behemoths, with the help of their client pols of both parties.

…but non-compliance does and that’s the problem.

A free person - however contingent that freedom is or might be, philosophically - does not and cannot assume the posture of obedience with the most common, the most visible and the most intrusive of the agents of the state.

There is no peremptory compliance that isn’t also servile obedience.

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I disagree, but respect is earned and stopping me for some bull or approaching me without having observed a crime is not earning it.

Neither is walking up to me with a hand on a gun or talking to me from behind cool sunglasses. And as soon as the first command is given, it’s no adversarial.

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Who is he that I must “comply”? That is submission.

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Oh horse feathers.


The military oath includes “obey the officers appointed above me…”

Cops are not appointed above me.

Not familiar with the case. Can you provide a link or more information so that I can honestly answer your question?

What led to the encounter that must first take place for there to be obedience of disobedience? This is what’s making the difference in our discussion.

Ruby Ridge

The cop decided.

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Randy, Vicki and Sammy Weaver. Ruby Ridge, Idaho. 1992

What am I doing that’s led to this encounter? That isn’t being discussed and that’s omission.