Who's Leading the GOP

haley’s good. great gov for sc and easily bridges the gap between tea party and trump supporters.

but i will vote for trump first.

The first female President simply must be a BIPOC!

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As are we all … except when we are ourselves the greater evil.

You do realize that Republicans already know her parents were from India. Everybody already knows her by Nikki, but I would sell popcorn to see progressives attack a female first generation american for her name and non-European ethnicity.


Not an attack. Just like Hussein wasn’t an attack on Obama.

Only the stupid believes that crap.


No ?

If not an attack, then why does anything need to be owned?

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What is there to own about it?

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It’s his name.


It’s not a common name in America.


How does this tone sound to you? Surely just coincidental that she elected to stress his middle name there, eh ?

On Fox News’ Your World, Ann Coulter repeatedly referred to Sen. Barack Obama as “B. Hussein Obama,” and said, “It’s shocking that … he’s probably going to be our next president, President Hussein.” Less than a week ago, Coulter also referred to Obama as “B. Hussein Obama,” and asserted: “[H]is first big accomplishment” was “being born half-black. … He wouldn’t be running for president if he weren’t half-black.”

There will always be haters.a lot of people still believe he wasn’t born in the United States.

Can’t do anything about crap spewed by losers.

Mine on the other hand is not.

I like Nikki.

No agenda.


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Yeah I know you are not doing that - I wasn’t trying to project to you at all, especially since you said you’re voting for her.

But it’s factual that many conservatives did stress President Obama’s middle name as a dog whistle. F.e. how many even know John McCain’s middle name without googling ?

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Who cares? Hussein was a bit different, a candidate named oh Mussolini or Stalin might be fighting a bit of name headwind too. Unfortunate historical coincidence, the public isn’t entirely rational, if they were things would be much better. I bet the name Donald has nosedived recently.

“I was a brown girl, in a black-and-white world,” she has said. “We faced discrimination and hardship.”

Immediately followed this/

“And take it from me, the first female governor of South Carolina and the first minority female governor in the United States,” she added, “America is not a racist country,” a phrase she has used before.

Almost like she is talking about two different parts of history.


Minus 5

Yep … and she is. A lot has changed with regard to racial norms in our society since she was a little girl, and it would have changed a lot more (for the better) if so many people were not working feverishly to hang on to the victimhood of Jim Crow.

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