Who Won the Super Bowl Last Year in the NO FUN LEAGUE?

Actually, lying is kind of a prerequisite for holding any political office. They all do it on a regular basis.

Do you include the president too? His lying is quite prolific despite not being good at it.

Didn’t your husband watch the game?

On that topic…the ratings of the NFL have been “declining” for a while now. Even before Trump and the protests. It has been shown repeatedly that this is due to the number of people who are still watching, but are watching in untrackable ways.

The simple fact is that a lot of ratings have gone down due to people who have cut the cords of thier watching devices.

Stop trying to make this something more than it is. Yes, some people stopped watching because of the protests…that number is FAR smaller than you seem to think it is. The NFL is on pace to grow to 20B+ this season, so the money and interest is still growing in spite of the ratings going down.

My belief as well. About 3-4 years ago I came across a site that streams all NFL games online allowing you to view the game you want. Dubiously legal but its there and its how I’ve watched the games I want to watch rather than watch the Broncos or Seahawks every week since those are the two “in market” games that my local networks always show.

The quality has gotten better each year and I now easily find HD streams that play reliably each week. Only time I ever watch them on TV or on my phone via the NFL app is if it happens to be the game I want.

Trump supporters, ask Papa Johns and Nike how pupular the NFL still is.

Naw, I didn’t like what he said about McCain at all. I call them as I see them, when he’s wrong, he’s wrong, when he’s right, he’s right. Most of the time what he says about the left, he’s right.

Don’t know and don’t care. I haven’t kept up with professional football since the early 80’s.