Who will be president on January 21, 2021?

Yeah. He is currently in Michigan trying to get rid of our redistricting commission because he lost that election.

That was not a Presidential election year brother.

Watching people vote for rhetoric over their best interests is depressing.

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Indeed. But this is the Idiocracy. We either embrace the reality that millions of fellow Americans have succumbed to propagandized brainwashing, or fall into a never-ending depression.

Given the way the Dems are imploding, there may not be much left of that party by Nov 2020. I expect Trump to win, or someone who runs on a similar platform to his if he is assassinated before election day.

If Democrats had a decent candidate, I would say the Democrat.
As it is I would say 50/50 Warren or Trump.
Therefore, I will go with my preferred of the two, Trump.

A month ago I would have said Biden. Now, he has a tendency to show that age may be having an effect, and the whistle blower just about put a seal on it.
He’s out.

I really haven’t seen the “imploding” of the Democratic party you are suggesting.

If nothing else, (and there’s plenty of else) Warren will not be the first woman elected POTUS and Biden won’t be the first octogenerian. History is against them and neither of them has the personality, not to mention character or ethics to beat history. In the end, undecideds and independents will go for Trump because of his record. Plus they know the lies that have been used against him even before he took office. Anyone who thinks anything he’s being accused of is worse then what Democrats have actually done is deluding themselves.

Possibly more than 650

You will notice it eventually.


Well that went dark. Do you see that as a legitimate concern (over and above any other POTUS, that is)?

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Andrew Yang is the only Democrat addressing the issues that President Trump used to get elected and he has a meme squad that shows they know how to leverage the power of the internet without spamming the Trump herp-a-derp.

That? That’s the part that bothered you about that post? :slight_smile:

You found a loophole.

Way too early to say but I want Biden to be the next president.

I don’t know, I just don’t see Mr. Trump winning at this moment. I’d give him a 40% chance of winning. I am just looking at the map, and it’s difficult for him to thread the needle again.

I still believe that the only reason he won is because his opponent was Hillary Clinton. No one liked her, and for many weeks before the election the only lawn sign I saw was a “Hillary for Prison” sign from Infowars.

This feels more to me like the presidency of George HW Bush than any other president. Or Jimmy Carter.

“He wasn’t her” was definitely Donald’s strongest selling point in 2016 for those who weren’t committed Trumpists.

Haven’t formulated an opinion on the D side yet, but I’ll throw out there that I question whether Trump will be the R nominee in November 2020. If the impeachment picks up steam (which I think it will), I could see him resigning to avoid it (and to get that sweet, sweet pardon from Pence).

Interesting theory but I don’t think Donald plays along. He genuinely believes he is the greatest POTUS of all time and has done nothing wrong, just unfairly sabotaged by the Deep State. He’ll cling to the bitter end, and Republicans are too cowardly to act.

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