Who will be president at the end of 2021

I said nope.

Trump and Pence are immaterial with you anyway.

That is your opinion

Top notch work, there.

How so? Heā€™s the president of the country Iā€™m a citizen of and live in.

Have fun in the new venezuela if Biden wins. Harris is pulling the strings

The US is not remotely like Venezuela and there are no plans to make it like Venezuela. Harris pulling the strings is a conspiracy theory not unlike that the earth is flat or the moon landing was faked.

No sheā€™s not.

Yes. I think they are.

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If Trump loses, weā€™ll get four years of ā€œMEAN! UNFAIR! TREASON! CRIME!ā€ from him, and if he can still manage a sentence using monosyllabic words in 2024, heā€™ll run again. Some people will even vote for him.

Cruz will be his campaign manager.

I hope Trump does run in 2024. If anything, that means he lost 2020.

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Looks like Biden will win, not really sure what to expect other than my taxes going up.

Biden wouldnā€™t even know he had a term

Fingers crossed, but never underestimate the Democratic ability to ruin an advantage.

It looks like heā€™s gonna win I donā€™t see how the polls could be this far off but last time I really did think Hillary was going to blow him out of the creek, so I guess there is always a chance for error. But it seems highly unlikely

AOC will be president.


Iā€™ll believe it when Trump is rage tweeting after the election, not before.

Why do you think people who Trump has actively been disappointing and blaming for everything will act like abuse victims?

He rages tweets even when he wins.

Damn is the earth really flat and the moon landing fake. I would have never known. Thanks for the clarification.