Who Should Run in 2024?

I am basing this question largely on the following article from Yahoo “News”, of all places.

How Democrats Suffered Crushing Down-Ballot Losses Across America (yahoo.com)

For Republicans, Trump has a way of bringing out the faithful, who believe in his issues and/or have faith in him. However, he has two big problem…he also has a way of bringing out those who can’t stand him or his issues. Also, though I don’t have the figures nationwide, the article provides anecdotal evidence that in some areas, particularly wealthier suburbs, there are significant numbers of voters who would vote for the local Republicans but not for Trump.

So…do Republicans for 2024 go for:

  1. Trump
  2. A candidate with Trumps views but with a tamer personality
  3. A Republican a bit further to the left on social issues to pick up would be Democratic voters

As for Democrats, do they go for:

  1. Biden
  2. A relative moderate Biden but at a younger age
  3. A more progressive candidate to pick up the enthusiasm of the woke

Harris will run for the dems in 2024. As the incumbent.

As for the Republicans, that is an interesting question.

I can say what I would like to see; somebody like Justice Barrett. I don’t know if that temperament could campaign, but it could certainly govern.

Notrodasneakus. Not a chance. Biden serves 4.


Harris not popular. That’s eliminates her right away.

Would not surprise me in the least. She drops out before the 2024 primaries.


There aren’t going to be any dem primaries in 2024. You won.


A religious nut. I think not.


Kristi Noem…it’s about high time for Cowgirl for pres.


I could support that easily. Same kind of temperament from the little I’ve seen.

Yes…it’s what I like about em.


What do you think about Hawley?

I think that was Trump problem…he wasn’t even keeled. Spent to much time fighting battles after the war.

His policies for better or worst was more appropriate for country as a whole…even if it went against my ideologue. He was about a centralist as they come.

My guess “some” libs in authority will try to emulate.


Excellent observation.

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I like him, don’t know much about him.

Nikki Haley has to much Bushism in her for my comfort.

Been watching Rick Scott…I like the way he cleaned up Fla despite influx of Northeastern.

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Noem…like Barret, they don’t allow insults/attacks get in their way.

Barret will put the law foremost in her decisions and Noem puts her states first.

I’m sure there is few others…Tim Scott doesn’t have a chance, I know few are eyeing him. Senators don’t make good pres anyway IMO.

So that leaves governors and yes even businessmen.

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I think that Harris will be the 2024 Dem nominee. I don’t know who will be the 2024 GOP nominee.

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I liked Trump on the issues. I liked Trump on his tenacity in fighting for those issues regardless of the outrage of the media. However, I would like to see someone who has those same qualities but didn’t fly into outrages over minutia…and could maybe allow insults to fall of his back instead of fighting back all the time.
A bit more dignified would help.
And no to twitter wars. And no to name calling

We need someone who can get Republicans out to the polls but not so outrage Democrats they they come out in full number too. He inspired both.

Another Reagan might be nice.

Right now, I don’t know who that would be.


Excellent points.

Right now I like Desantis.


I find it interesting that nobody on the right wants trump to run.

Nikki Haley or Tim Scott. Maybe the both of them. Trump will be in the background rallying the base and the Dems who realize their mistake.

Nikki number 1 spot and Tim number 2 spot. If Trump does run, I would vote for him in a New York second. But, don’t see why he would want to go through the same ■■■■ again.

Right, Doug.