Who makes our Nike's and Iphones mom and dad?

Why would you see gray hair? Does coronavirus turn your hair gray?

My guess is there are Chinese parts in the cars you sell, where I am also guessing you are far less choosy.

If we try to force the manufacturing here, we will pay 3 times the cost. Are we prepared to do that?

Maybe this will help shed some light?

COVID-19 Deaths by Age | The Heritage Foundation

We now know how rare these fatal cases are with no underlying medical issue.

Could be that treatment was simply poor with so many early unknowns.

His case was anecdotal evidence of how dangerous the virus could be.

I would like to have more information on his complete medical history and treatment.

Dollars for what?

The reason there is little opposition to this is that there probably a significant percentage on the left that don’t think that sounds like such a bad idea. Just another gulag.


Where did I say that anyone praises China’s behavior.



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Well I guess if Joe Biden had been in a position of power for 50 year I’m sure he would have done something about this.

What toys is that you own?

Never mind, I don’t want to know…

Or perhaps it because the scant opposition that does exist is just spent on fuel for partisan point scoring at home rather than confronting the perpetrator.

Our society just doesn’t have the appetite to truly punish unjust countries that have economic influence. Personally I’m not even sure we have the ability. It would take global consensus, self sacrifice and potential war.

Best we can do on our own is isolate and we are not willing to take that hit (perceived or real) to our economy.

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I agree they don’t need to normalize anything with these sadists, Australia is getting to see this first hand as they build up in the China Sea. They do ■■■■ that a bond villain would do and the world shrugs its shoulders.

Here they are bringing in Sand Dredgers digging up the sand in the ocean around Taiwan to destroy the beaches, sea life, and sea lanes near Taiwan, basically removing Taiwan a shovel load at a time.

Nothing ever changes:

Nope. And thousands like them are currently in education.

There’s a reason why Bill Ayers stopped making bombs for teaching teachers.

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Who was talking about Biden? Why didn’t Trump do anything about it while he was in power? Wasn’t he supposed to drain the swamp or something? BDS is real I guess.

They don’t need you to spend anything (by selling it to you) when they can just lobby to subsidize it and make you (and everyone else) pay for it instead. Why do you think corn is STILL subsidized and the only people who grow that at this point are AGGRO CORPS?

“In 2008 Congress overrode a presidential veto to enact farm legislation that added further subsidies. The law created a permanent disaster aid program and added a revenue protection program for farmers to lock in profits from high commodity prices. It added a sugar-to-ethanol program to keep sugar prices artificially high, and it added new subsidies for “specialty crops” such as fruits and vegetables.”


Congress sold us out to the highest bidders years ago so I’m not sure why any of this is shocking now.

It isn’t but…I’mpressed by two things…first; you’re actually talking to me again and second…you’re being rational…without feeelings. Thanks…I’ve been waiting for this day for several years now. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

Our biggest trading partner, communists, concentration camps, and covid. Fully aware what opinion polls around the world are showing that the majority of the world thinks China is responsible. The trilogy is likely to hit in a few years CCP Covid 3 coming to a wet market near you.