Who makes our Nike's and Iphones mom and dad?

Remember when libs used to love and defend Muslims at all costs because America sucks?

It’s (D)ifferent in China. :wink:

We should be more like Norway.


Taller and blonder?


I wouldn’t mind visiting there.

We use China because we can go around the pollution requirements to manufacture here in the US and our government is complicit for the global warming they attribute to that pollution.



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If a good is produced in a methodology overseas that does not meet the pollution requirements here in the US, why does our government allow those same goods to be sold here?

Do you purposefully check all labels with the intent not to buy anything made there if possible?

Follow the money.

Because lobbying. Best government money can buy. When has that ever not been the case? It’s simply accelerated in the last twenty years or so.

Today, the biggest companies have upwards of 100 lobbyists representing them, allowing them to be everywhere, all the time. For every dollar spent on lobbying by labor unions and public-interest groups together, large corporations and their associations now spend $34. Of the 100 organizations that spend the most on lobbying, 95 consistently represent business.



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That happened eleven years ago. Doesn’t seem to have gained much traction.

What are you attempting to say here?

It is my personal conclusion that I vote for what I believe by spending the money I earned, with those whom I want to support. I don’t buy Chinese goods…if possible. I do not spend money with Amazon. I spend it locally, realizing it may cost a tad more but it’s helping my local community. My single vote every four years doesn’t speak anywhere near as loudly as how I choose to spend my money in between.

You asked why the government allows these things to occur.

Wiley8425 gave the details of what I was referring to.

Until we drastically reduce the influence money has on our election and legislative processes, laws and regulations will continue to favor those that pay for them.


Remember hearing about that one sick woman who flew to Paris and then bragged about it?

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Millions of dollars.

Journalists will never investigate BLM. Ever. Even after the same person bought four luxury homes and chapter leaders started asking where the money was going, they’re still refusing to investigate.

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“Mostly peaceful” is how a journalist pulls a Sgt Shultz.

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He died of the coronavirus.

…so the CCP said and yet, I don’t even see any gray hair?