Who is Tommy Robinson, and why was he arrested?

What? He silenced himself by being dumb.

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You’re a hoot. So, Media Bias Fact Check is “threatened by their reporting” somehow? I’m suspecting you don’t know the website I referenced, and have done no research on them at all. If you had, then you would likely see just how accurate and unbiased they are in their claims of biases of all media outlets. Take a look for yourself if you don’t believe me.

I had a similar discussion with @DougBH about them in the past. He had not really heard of them either. But, after he did some research on them, and reviewed their labeling system, agreed with me that they are pretty much in line with both his, and my perspective on biases from different outlets.

Of course you disagreed… Who could argue with this?

No we don’t

yeah… yeah ya do.
maybe you want to couch it in terms that are not so ridiculous. But it boils down to you guys believing that constitutional rights apply to non citizens who currently reside in other countries.

Actually, what is an even bigger question is why is the UK enforcing a gag order on the press to prevent reporting about Robinson?

It is apparently illegal to publish even an unredacted gag order. For details see:

Scary isn’t it?

And of course the free media goes along with it.

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: forgotten the Obama years already?

They don’t allow free speech in the UK. If your speech isn’t PC you could be in trouble.

The left would love to have this policy here.

No we don’t. We say that that foreigners are afforded the same rights once within our borders but we do not believe that those constitutional freedoms extend beyond our borders

There are so many things that the conservative fringe wants libs to be interested in. Maybe some are dubious that OP would have the faintest genuine interest in what happens in other countries in the first place.

I don’t know who this person is and, if I am lucky, will end the day that way.

I’ll take this up when I move to the UK, which has about zero chance of happening.

I also find it funny that “some” people from UK tries to lecture us about our Constitution over the years…when they clearly have no understand of BoR’s concept.

Me too! The lack of freedom of speech is high on the list of reasons.

Even funnier is why you considered this case so important that you started a thread…

Laugh all you want but you don’t get to decide what I’m allowed to talk about.

I know that’s a hard concept for people like yourself to understand.

I fully support your right to start as many threads defending white nationalists as you want… I like to know who they are and that’s at least one benefit of the times we live in…

"Even if we assume that the “posterity” referred to in the Preamble really does refer only to those who were citizens in 1787 and their descendants, it does not follow that that the Constitution justifies ignoring the effects of immigration restrictions on would-be immigrants"

from the link I provided above.

“would-be immigrants”… people not even here.

In this thread, Conan calls another forumer a simpleton.

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She gave an accurate synopsis of what took place and I applaud her for it. She took a backlash because she gave a balanced coverage that went against what the MSM had you swallow.