Who is the Party Threatening "Democracy"?

Let’s recap:
-Over 570 Democrat riots
-Hundreds of attacks on Trump supporters going to or from rallies, political events, university events, random attacks on the street for wearing a MAGA hat, etc., some included murder
-The attempted murder of several Republicans in congress
-Now the attempted assassination of President Trump


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When lawfare fails there is always the assassin’s bullet.
Democrat Strategies 101, 2024 edition.

Shooter was a registered Republican. Fail…

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Deflection fail.
Shooter has been a donator to left dem causes like actblue since high school.


Donated to Act Blue on the day of Biden’s inauguration.



We’ll see. It’s odd this guy had no social media presence. I was just pushing back that this is a Democratic strategy. It may end up he was just a crazy person seeking fame through infamy.

I doubt we’ll see.

It’s not a democratic strategy to murder Trump. It is however a fever dream that Trump is taken out of the picture.

I wouldn’t put a lot of stock in that “registered republican” thing.


People want a conspiracy to be true, but the likelihood is that the shooter was a terminally online Gen Z moron who was immersed in far left social media. There’s not going to be a trail that leads elsewhere.


Fair guesstimate.

That is the most likely scenario.

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This is political terrorism by the democrats. President Biden has not only vilified Donald Trump, but “those MAGA republicans” as well. I feel intimidated to hang out my Trump flag for fear one of these democrats will toss a rock through my windows or worse. There is a video of this shooter saying, “I hate republicans and I hate Trump.” Notice, first he says he hates REPUBLICANS, all of us. The democrats have normalized violence and hate. God help us all.


Agreed. Far left internet sewer is high probability.

Samantha Guthrie on NBC (where else) says this is due to all the hateful rhetoric - towards Biden.


Media entertainers are horrible people.


I agree with everything except the “far left” side. He was wearing a shirt from a group of gun nuts.

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The press is universally sending the message that “Republicans need to lower the temperature.” Once again, violence committed by Democrat supporters is excused.


They’re just upset that the shot missed. It’s Trump’s fault.


I don’t think that disqualifies him from being far left. The world does not lack violent eccentrics.