Who is the Party Threatening "Democracy"?

We’ve also been told for years that “the far left loves guns too.”

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He’s a veterinarian. His other two youtube channels are animal rescue.

I mean the Katyn massacre was a pretty hoplo-heavy affair.

Good for Mike Johnson. Both sides need to turn down the rhetoric.

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Balderdash. Turn it up!


It’s is strong case against it. I don’t know many socialist gun nuts

You don’t get to “turn it down” while your side is the only one shooting. Have to have an even score.

All these pols are crying for peace because they’re scared, not because they are honorable.


Yes, because it’s the right’s fault that another progressive took another shot at a Republican politician. You guys don’t get to say “simmer down” after the past few years of completely unhinged hatred from everyone on the left, ranging from kooks all the way up to the White House.


You don’t have a motive yet. Don’t assume…you may be wrong.

The motive is irrelevant to that post and I do have one: to murder Donald Trump.

That’s the objective not the motive.

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We’ll have to wait and see. I don’t pretend to know at this point.

:rofl: Sure. Because he’s Donald Trump.

Same. We can all agree that dude was crazy

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Fair: I think for all of our sakes, the best outcome would be that he’s a certifiable whackjob with no adherence to any political ideology.

People like this (leftists) always speak the opposite of the truth.

I don’t. Not yet.

You have to be crazy to attempt to assassinate anyone, let alone a Presidential candidate, in broad daylight, with his secret service around.

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