Who Is The Friend?

Well done Sir Carl of Allamby. Go forth and save lives. You may have my share of $10k of forgiveness.


He probably doesn’t need loan forgiveness anyway.

That said, it would say something positive about him if the folks whose cars he fixed were eager to have him as their doctor too.

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Four in my mom’s home alone.

A roundtable becoming an American institution. God bless you.

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A knight.

They’ll forget what you buy them. They’ll remember every time you were there.


Yep…thumbs up to this guy for going the distance. I did the same for my boys. Never missed a game.

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Just happy my days watching tortuous kids soccer games in the rain is over. Oh and boring swim meets where you hang out all day long to see your kid race for a total of four or five minutes.

It’s not his son playing. He did it because his little boy is a fan.


It’s not just that simple. Socialist healthcare ends up giving less care than capitalist medicine.


Also, just because someone needs something that does not mean that they have a right to it from out of the public treasury. They have a right to try to acquire it for themselves or ask others to voluntarily help them get it … but not just have it provided simply because they are there.


Yep, everyone needs food but still have to buy their own groceries.


Right on! :fist:t5:


She will be accused of being a symptom of white supremacy.


I kinda like this guy…

I thought that was a bodyguard, the way that he was acting.”

Like a man?


I’ve been thinking about some things:

A male cannot logically claim to “feel like a female” - he has no idea what a female feels like. The best he can do is claim he feels like he wants to be treated as a woman. He’ll never be a woman, no matter how many people humor the lie.

Men and women are different. They need different things out of a relationship.

From my experience and research, men need respect, fidelity, somebody to protect and provide for.

From my research, women seem to need stability and a provider/protector.

It all makes sense.

When a man tells a women he loves her, does it mean the same thing as when a woman tells a man? Are they feeling the same things?

Government, especially central government, is doing way too much social engineering. And the big corp private sector is too. Funny thing is, it’s all profit driven. Marcuse even warned about it. It’s impossible to tell where one sector ends and the other begins. Of course that’s probably the goal.

Republicans are idiots.

Critprogs are evil.

Things aren’t going well.


In a country of 330 million people, the best we can do is Brandon or Trump.

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no country for old men.



Knights and ladies

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Thats gonna cause some progies sleepless nights.

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When government won’t meet its commitment to protect the community, the responsible adults of the community will rise up to protect and serve. Of course the lib mayor doesn’t like this. It goes against the narrative. I think we will see more and more upstanding adults, in minority communities, doing the same as you see here.

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