Who Is The Friend?

This is not a covid thread and you aren’t going to turn it into one. Please stay on topic.

Disadvantage in comparison to what? How do you determine it is a disadvantage?

Hell yeah! Knights. A little late to the party maybe, but HELL YEAH!

“We’re dads. We decided the best people who can take care of our kids are who? Are us,” father Michael LaFitte told CBS News.


Where y’all at, ye ol’ mockers of knighthood?

I was at an outdoor school fair yesterday. They were selling cartons of confetti eggs there that the kids would throw at each other or hit each other on the head with. I noticed that about three out of four of those eggs were being bought by boys. I’m pretty sure that tells me something about the general difference in attitude of the two genders, and also the overlap.

Yeah, not all boys are the same not all girls are the same.

The origins of this is deeply intertwined in Japanese Mahayana Buddhism and a particular sutra that revealed for the first time the Enlightenment potential of a woman.

There is also a very hidden principle of transmigration and rebirth.

Nah, it’s entwined in not getting one’s head cut off with a sword.

That too.

But saying “Nah” is very lady like off you…

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The help they need is to be removed from that home, not the government supporting their parents addiction.

Maybe. But how?

Talk about government over reach…

What do you mean how? Ever hear of courts?

The foster system isn’t much better…

How are you going to police all these homes? Government inspections? Who’s empowered to bring the parents to court?

Where do we put the kids?

Just sounds like big government prying into lives and unelected bureaucrats making parenting decisions.

But hey, go for it. Put a thorough proposal on the table and we’ll hash it out.

I don’t need to propose or change a thing, you can already lose custody of your children for illegal drug use.

Oh. OK. So your answer is status quo.


Anyway, we weren’t even talking about what to do about it. We were discussing the reality that children born into these dire situations did not make a choice to start life there.

I didn’t say they did make that choice, what I said was, the government supporting their drug addicted parents instead of removing them from the home is not a good thing.


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