Who is Ray Epps? Why hasn't he been arrested for his apparent instigation of attacks on 1/6?

Yes, people are presumed innocent until proven guilty. On the other hand, many J6 defendants have been held without bail for many months awaiting trial with far less evidence.

Video evidence is consistent with charging Epps with inciting a riot and conspiring to attack the Capitol. Where is the predawn SWAT team raid? Where are months in solitary confinement awaiting trial?

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He didnā€™t ? I thought people were being arrested just for being on capitol grounds?


Not to mention incitement.


Who was arrested for being on Capitol grounds? Just wondering.

People who were on the grounds arenā€™t being prosecuted if they were peaceful.

The people who entered the building are.

As for the incitement accusation, Samsel testified at his hearing that Epps actively tried to calm him downā€¦ the opposite of incitement.

The reason Epps isnā€™t in jail is because all of the crimes that people want to charge him with are imaginary

Itā€™s not.

Talking smack the night before the riot is not a crime.

Also there is sworn testimony that Epps tried to calm down Samsel before he broke through the police barricade. The exact opposite of incitement

quick initial search

Steven Billingsley
Age: 45
From: Richmond
Charges include: Disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds
Status: Case pending

WASHINGTON (AP) ā€” A federal judge on Tuesday convicted an elected official from New Mexico of illegally entering restricted U.S. Capitol grounds but acquitted him of engaging in disorderly conduct during the riot that disrupted Congress from certifying Joe Bidenā€™s presidential election victory.


Ooh, sworn testimony, please.

From Samselā€¦ at his trial.

It is consistent with Eppā€™s story of the events.

Thank you

HE INCITED THIS WHOLE THING AND ITā€™S RECORDED. The peaceful Trumpsters there called him out on it and recognized him as a Fed.

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Well there you go, if you suspect two guys are criming together it makes perfect sense to swallow his potential partner in crimes sworn testimony that they were looking for lost puppies.

Alex Jones and Infowars is lying to you.

As said beforeā€¦ talking smack the night before is not a crime.

Saying to march to the Capitol the day of i also not a crime.

If it wasā€¦ then Alex Jones and Infowars is guilty of the exact same thing.


He went beyond the barricades and on to the capitol grounds, others have been charged for the same thing.

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ITā€™S RECORDED and now posted. Thereā€™s no denying the truth.

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It is wild that instead of accepting that Epps is a Trump supporter that got caught up in the moment and has become this target of right wing rage because they want to place the blame on anyone but Trumpā€¦ that an elaborate scheme with no evidence behind it has to be constructed.

There is nothing there that proves that Epps is a Fed nor is there a crime being committed in the video.

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Let me know when the FBI and DOJ answer the simple question of how many agents they had there.


There is plenty there of him recorded inciting what took place and he has not been arrested. Whatā€™s really confusing is why youā€™d defend this crap which is impossible to deny.


Keep on dreaming.

If there was FBI there it is just as likely that they were working for Trump since it was Trumpā€™s plan to have them march on the Capitol in the first place.

There isnā€™t ā€œplentyā€

You have talking smack the night before and the day of telling people to march to the Capitol.

None of this was outside of what was already in the media that Epps was likely consuming.

It is the exact same thing that Jones, Bannon and the like were also saying.