Who has the heart to tell this girl she's doomed?

Not seeing anything here about her not being able to succeed. The link worked for me.

I did see, though, she felt more comfortable & there were more motivated black women like her at the University of Texas Austin.

So much for many white liberals’ narrative about “the south” holding back minorities and not allowing them to do anything. They’re not ones to talk, anyway. Malcolm X had white liberals pegged 50 years ago, having lived in Boston:

Not agreeing with her on a particular point, wanting to create “access to quality foods and grocery stores.”


Where are these grocery stores that don’t have such amenities as a produce department? Hell, I can get a loaf of bread with a variety of healthy ingredients at Walmart for $1.

Funny, those citing lack of access to “quality foods” always seem to have money for manicures and cigarettes.

Thank you for highlighting social justice supporter Gabby Thomas.

With all that and now professional tennis player Naomi Osaka discussing her depression, there’s a focus on athletes’ mental health, especially those who are women of color. You’ve posted about this before; what are some messages you hope people take away?

I was so ready for this conversation. It’s so important to see another Black woman stand up for herself and take care of herself. That’s what I urge everyone to do. So often, we feel this pressure to just be quiet and do our sport. That can take a toll, mentally and emotionally.

A lot of people make these conversations about money—this is your job, this is what you do. But some things are more important than money, and my mental health and emotional well-being is not for sale. I see fans talking about myself or other track athletes on the internet as if you can’t read and you don’t have feelings, and you can tell they don’t see you as a person. So I think Naomi is a great role model in this situation.

I think it’s great that conservative boomers are embracing intelligent young social justice supporters!

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This the same Gabby Thomas that is going to school for Epidemiology so she can fix racism in the healthcare system?

Yes…the one that isn’t standing on the sidelines bitching with her mouth but instead, digging in and doing her best to solve a problem she sees, by her actions.

Wow. What is smart, beautiful, fit and lovely woman.

I can’t find anything to complain about her.

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She is quite motivated.

I think my greatest accomplishment in my 24th year was winning 3 straight trivia nights at my local pub.

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anyone can succeed its simply harder for some people then others, though I don’t think race is the single biggest hurdle I think that is poverty.

Well, at least they still have Candace Owens…


Your link doesn’t mention the issue you are stirring up even once.

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Nope. You’re confused. You should ask. I’m not saying that at all. Not at all. I’m saying they would be better off if they didn’t do drugs, graduated from high school, not scuffle with police, attempt to learn a useable skill and have fathers who don’t knock up momma and split.

The racism of the left ignores all this and simple blames white supremacy. Ya’ll need to do much, much better than this. If you still don’t understand, them you are beyond help. Overthinking is not your friend.

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The problem is that in many poor communities there are are not the same type of “grocery stores” that are we are used to in the suburbs.


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The problem is that people in poor communities have not prepared for life. Offering very little that employers are interested in.

Why not? If the community supported them would they not flourish?

Maybe this has something to do with it?



You said they were born into it and doomed from the start…

I know what I said. I don’t need your help with that. There is no argument over what I said. I think we are in total agreement with what I said. I said this too. Do you agree with it?

I’m saying they would be better off if they didn’t do drugs, graduated from high school, not scuffle with police, attempt to learn a useable skill and have fathers who don’t knock up momma and split. We should stop blaming white supremacy for these things.

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If they’re “Doomed from the start” nothing is going to help them. Ever think that white supremacy got the cycle of those problems rolling?


2 parent homes can be one of the variables of not having the “deck stacked against you”.

But, with most things, it is not the only variable, nor is it always the dominant variable.

You pretty much dismiss all the other variables, as having as much, or more influence on outcomes.

Life is unpredictable, and nuanced on multiple levels.

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Many times, change only happens when people speak up, get active, and make some people uncomfortable.

Reminds me of this…

Well-behaved women seldom make history

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