Who exactly is afraid of the Mueller report being released again?

Wait - are we back to trusting information from members of the “deep state™” again? It’s hard to keep up.

Yes, when they all start stabbing each other in the back to avoid jail…

Post the transcript and highlight the portion that claims what you suggest here. We will wait. I suspect you haven’t the foggiest clue and are just parroting what others are trying to convince you of. Prove me wrong.


Poor deluded lefties… Doesn’t CNN report the news anymore?

Were you going to back up your assertion, or just broadbrush and insult? That seems to be what typically happens around here when someone can’t back a claim. They insult and avoid backing their assertion.


I called it. I knew you couldn’t back up your assertion. What a waste of time. :rofl:


I’m shocked I tell you- shocked!

Ok, not really


Nancy P. to the world, Mr. “Trumps not worth Impeaching”!
She spoke those words right after Mueller leaked to her that he can’t find anything on Mr. Trump and we cant make anymore stuff up, the American people are on to us.
Heads are about to roll, and its not the ones you’re hoping for. YLBD

I wouldn’t be surprised if Mueller had a hand in the Democrats trying to take our Country by rigging an election and taking it from Mr. Trump.

So…based on the theories of Trump being guilty of obstruction of justice for wanting to stop an investigation of Republicans for collusion that he saw as baseless, could an argument be made that Democrats trying to block an investigation of possible anti Trump activists in the DOJ are guilty of obstruction of justice, even if nothing illegal is found in such an investigation?

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What is an “unequal investigation”?

Lol, then we could always have a special counsel to investigate the special counsel investigating the special counsel.

So if investigating the special counsel is so important, surely a republican has put forth a resolution to do that by now, right?

But then we would need a special counsel investigating that special counsel.

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As did Schumer.

I agree. I’d appreciate it if you would address this tendency among your leftist friends in the New Zealand threads as well.

My leftist friends? Since when am I accountable for anyone’s posting but my own, especially in threads in which I am not even actively participating? If you’re not cool with their comments, you’re free to direct your comments to them, or mods, as you see fit.

In the mean time, I’ll continue to respond to posters in threads in which I’m actively participating. Capice?

Yes, your leftist friends. I have tried, they’re hysterical and not listening, maybe they’ll listen to you.

I’d appreciate it and thanks in advance. Intiendes?

Suddenly he’s not posting here anymore :rofl:

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Strike 1. Let’s try again:

Since when am I accountable for anyone’s posting but my own, especially in threads in which I am not even actively participating?