Who else uses an Insta-Pot?

I just recently got an air fryer. I love that thing…it even can function as a dehydrator which is great for beef jerky.


Haven’t tried that yet. Thinking of doing some with the next deer I take.

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The Dehydrator function also acts as a slow cooker for roasts.

I’ve lost ~20 lbs in the last 20 days on a keto diet. All the meat/eggs/mushrooms/cruciferous/leafy greens/oil/butter/lard/spices I please and it’s just melting right off.


But are you using an insta pot?!??

Every time I make chicken or pork.

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Sous vide in it next, which i am sure you have otherwise.

We have an 8 quart model. Perfect for cooking the 4lb bags of meat.

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I have some prepping supplies that I’m breaking into. Quinoa, rice, and buckwheat. Pretty easy in an instant pot.
I cooked some raw ( not toasted) buckwheat in an instant pot last night that I ate for the first time this morning. I gotta find a faster recipe though. Five minute pressure cook but then twenty minutes of natural pressure release. Seems too long.

Maybe my ruski friend, @FreeAndClear knows something about buckwheat recipes. It’s new to me but was part of my prepping supply because the protein it has is “complete protein”… like quinoa’s. It has all the essential amino acids we humans need to get from food. Plant protein is not often “complete”.

It’s also high in iron. 20 means seems too long. You can probably get away with 10-15 but it is a grain and they often take longer

Unlike with other foods cooking grain in a pressure cooker only reduces the time by 25-33 percent.

I ate so much of it as a kid i can’t stand to look at it anymore. Plus the carb content is too high for me for now.

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52 lbs over the course of about a year. :metal:



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11.4% body fat. :sunglasses: