My vote is for Trump.
Why that is follows:
So, to open up to you with some basis of where I’m coming from, and to perhaps serve as a rough proxy for others who are supporting Trump in this election:
It is the unrestrained difference of opinions described by “Publius”, Federalist No.10 that forms the basis of freedom in a constitutional republic; and that Limited Government restrained by the checks and balances described in Federalist 51 is a necessary evil to preserve those freedoms. The left is trying to suppress all views except their own. The left is also threatening court packing, confiscating weapons and rights protected under the second amendment, implementing obscenely larcenous tax policies, de-funding police forces, destroying law & order and promoting destructive anarchy, and bankrupting the country with policies that reflect not even the most rudimentary understanding of basic economics. And all of these things are written in the party platform that you can find on Biden’s website.
We won’t put up with any of this. But unlike the Left who can’t seem to get any these policies put into legislation—This would actually require persuading people – – We won’t resort to violence or intimidation to get our way. We will just express what’s bad about the policies on the other side and then we will vote.
My vote in this two party system is simply an evaluation as to who of two imperfect options I see is better able to preserve defend and protect the Constitution, and to preserve the economic machine which feeds it all.
In contrast, I don’t see this election as a choice between two personalities with all their issues warts and idiosyncrasies. I don’t find Trump’s style, personal life or rhetoric at all personally appealing. I’m pinging on Biden because he’s trying to make the Election a character contest which is absurd because to me his character is even more flawed and more appalling than his opponent’s. It’s predominantly only people on the left who are obsessed with this view. They don’t even concern themselves with real issues. But I’m willing to play that game because it may sway one or two on the fence.
But here’s a thing I think a lot of people on the left do not understand at all about those of us on the other side.
We are not hiring a friend or a Pastor. We are hiring a CEO who can execute policies. Along those lines I do agree with a majority of DJT’s policies and believe they have been effective, and that they will remain effective.
It’s much much bigger and much more important than personality, or tax returns or crudeness, or who makes money doing what.
I see the election as a choice between remaining a constitutional republic with a free enterprise system based on capitalism versus a thrust toward an unobtainable socialist utopian vision that has been tried without ANY successes in global history—a path that will set in motion the destruction of both our economy and liberty, including yours.
What say you?