Whitmer VP maybe?

Since he won’t post it for some reason:

Governor’s office approved use of a firm for contract tracing that is owned by a state Dem using software typically associated with political campaigns.
Questions are raised by the ethics of self dealing and whether or not the software would be used for political activities (which would be an egregious violation of HIPPA).

Whitmers office then canceled the contract, delaying contact tracing efforts in the states for weeks until another apolitical organization is selected.

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Yep…“it is what it is”!

That’s a very good article. And seems to show a relatively normal process with some errors, and when questions were raised it was dealt with appropriately.

Why are you quoting Trump?

I gave an opinion here

“when questions were raised”


“after she got caught”

“with dem ties”


gotta love kid gloves media

The article was pretty straight forward.

yeah sure

“Mike Kolehouse, a Democratic political consultant tweeted: 'I hope he gets coronavirus ASAP. Can someone do the country a favor and cough on that man?”

“dem ties”

straightforward would have been “leftist trump hating activist dem operative”

it’s no big deal a thinking man sees what really is despite “journalism.”.

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Ok, post your own link next time.

It’s going to be Susan Rice.

Biden will choose familiar and trusted…at least trusted to him and to bury Russia collusion conspiracy.

Does it really matter? Politicians today are largely guided by ideology over anything else.

She’s within sniffing distance.

i just figured it was common knowledge by now, her being insider corrupt

but, i will. thanks for the adviso senorita

I think the VP spot is going to Susan Rice and Kamala Harris will be the AG if the ticket wins.

With her handling of things the last few months she’d be a gift to the RNC if she’s chosen.

It will also be a disaster for the dem’s since she’s neither Hispanic nor Black.

It was Susan Rice from day 1.

They have a conspiracy to bury and will destroy everything to do so.

I wonder why the Russia conspiracy is called collusion and hoax still…It was criminal conspiracy.

Rice could very well be arrested and indited before election day.

She’d be a gift from Olympus if she’s the candidate.

She is too high up the food chain to be indicted.

She crafted that clever memo on the final day of the Obama administration to give herself plausible deniability and not be charged.

I wouldn’t count on it.

Barr seems to actually be out for blood.

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