White supremacists and racist terrorists pose greatest risk of violence, FBI warns

They are, and it’s okay to say so. What we need to guard against is:

1)-allowing them to conflate BLM and ANTIFA, and
2)-using ANTIFA to, elide, minimize, and deflect from the white supremacist threat.

It is no mistake that when white supremacy mentioned, the thread is swarmed with what-aboutism.

Two peas in a pod.

Does BLM even exist after the scam?

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Why are leftist goons always so weird looking?

Misshapened heads, meth mouth, eyes like a chihuahua.

Only to fascists and right wing extremists.

As Christopher Wray testified in front of Congress, Antifa is a reaction to the rise of right wing domestic terrorism.

If it weren’t for those nasty white nationalists, these violent leftist terrorists wouldn’t exist.


When did this rise occur?

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I think it’s more like there just not much to report! :roll_eyes:

Now list the violent examples of “white supremacy” like I just did with ANTIFA from around the country, so that this threat is exposed and easy to recognize as being the number one threat like the FBI said.

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Please do the same so that this threat is spotlighted.

Summer of Love denial.

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Judging the fruit of people’s lives is entirely appropriate.

Shunning fellowship with those displaying the fruit of depravity while they falsely claim to be redeemed is entirely appropriate.

They need to repent and acting like nothing is wrong with them to keep them happy does not further that cause.

Meanwhile, I hope the FBI’s walls are not painted white…


Notice how no one, not one single person can provide the examples of violent white supremacists, committing these violent acts around the country, like ANTIFA IS DOING, that substantiates what the corrupt FBI stated?


Is that what we were supposed to be doing?

Yup, 90% of domestic terror threats and actions come from the right.

But we’re supposed to be worried about ANTIFA, the 130 lb soy boys that are comin’ for Grandma and Freedom or some incoherent scare message.


At least Schumer and Schiff were ready to condemn anti Asian bigotry.

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The shooter at Monterey was driving a WHITE van!


What burned? Who was beaten? Raped? Millions destroyed? What? Fill in the blanks…that’s what I asked to be done?

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The article I posted includes examples of what you asked for, “examples of violent white supremacists, committing these violent acts around the country.”

That was a whole lot of nothing. Let’s try again. I can post articles regarding ANTIFA acts of violence, arson, murder and do so in a fairly large quantity. Can you do the same?

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