White supremacists and racist terrorists pose greatest risk of violence, FBI warns

But you don’t want your kids to be around em…why?


I do and here’s why;

Probably because they want to kill or at best discriminate/exclude people who are not like themselves.

Oh I see. But perverting children is OK.

I see now.

What is the direct correlation between Drag and Suicide rates?

Knowing gay people exist does not equal perverting them.

It’s the decisions made by parents that are the most influential in the outcomes of their children and it’s their current lousy decision making such as what we’re discussing right now, that’s causing this massive increase in suicide rates among our youth.

There is a greater correlation that can be made that Suicide is more affected by access to firearms than literally anything else.

I can back that up with numbers.

So if Suicide is the actual concern, and not one that exists on the internet… then wringing one’s hands about drag queens is literally the most ineffective solution to that problem.

Now the gloating over soon having the power to once again marginalize large groups of human beings because they offend you.

Truly a noble cause.


Shrug, should have left peoples kids out of it I guess.


Now the attempts to put a veneer of “nobility” over it.

You’ll have no worries involving other people’s kids in the quest to marginalize others.

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The methodology does not explain the motivation. Are you really wired this simple?

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Guns don’t kill people… Drag Queens do.

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Since you’re being slow to catch on…


And know White supremacist exist doesn’t mean you’re indoctrinating em. Or Religion for that matter.


Funny that…what do you think the left been doing for last 60 years?


You are trying and failing to make a correlation between anything that has a hint of queerness.

It is really really really dumb and is based on nothing more than there is a feeling that it must be true.

There is absolutely NO reason for a drag queen to be involved with a child in any way, fashion or form and if a parent can not discern this, it’s representative of other poor decisions they’re making regarding the raising and well being of their children.

Drag has been part of performance since forever.

Now it is a moral panic.

I knoooooooow…rite? Now welcome to 2022