White insurrectionists attack federal agents

They are burning government buildings to force policy change.


Violence breeds violence.
Portland has become a series of groups on the left and right attacking each-other getting more extreme with each attack.

A point where the anti becomes the thing (or just like it) they were against.


No, that’s rarely the case. It makes for a good either/or, but like most either/ors, it’s hardly material.

Balderdash, it is for all practical purposes always the case.

Power, once gained, must be consolidated and quickly or it is lost.

I honestly can’t believe you posted that.

A bad read of history, yours. A dialectical-materialist, Leninite read, in fact, where synthesis and antithesis merge into a new unity.

:rofl: going to stick with it? Have a nice evening.

No, i think Hegelianism - all its variants - is schlock mysticism.

Because the idiots at the capitol trespassed, broke some windows and got shot while the idiots at Portland tried to burn down a Federal building to stop the functioning of the Federal government?


Insurrection means “a violent uprising by a group or movement acting for the specific purpose of overthrowing the constituted government and seizing its powers. An insurrection occurs where a movement acts to overthrow the constituted government and to take possession of its inherent powers.” Insurrection Law and Legal Definition | USLegal, Inc.

Arguably the establishment of the autonomous zones in Seattle was an insurrection as well as attempting to destroy ICE and prevent it from functioning.

Insurrections do not require a shirtless guy in a buffalo hat.


both tried to stop the function of the government.
they are both bad people.

let stop pretending violence is a partisan issue.

It’s Portland three hours south from here, I spent a lot of time there you would be safer being openly trans than openly republican there.

Again they are not fighting fascists they are the fascists to a certain extent the way they carry on and quiet often shut down opposing views and stifle speech that is part of what the fascists did.


So when is Biden going to act and offer support to stop the insurrection in Portland and the looting in Minnesota?

Sleepy Joe isn’t a cute euphemism now…he needs to wake up and be a leader.