White House pulls CNN Acosta’s pass

Their hypocrisy and shamelessness know no bounds.


He asked questions. A speech is an uninterrupted message this was not that.

What business did he have touching her at all?? Was that his microphone?? Was anyone answering his question??

He wanted to make himself part of the story. He succeeded.

Or imagine Trump having to go before the House of Commons.

Dictators don’t like reporters.

What did Acosta do that you consider “gross disrespect”?

Donald is the President, and as such he’s entitled to tell it like it is, no matter how much of a horse’s ass he is. We can’t expect him to serve as an example of how to behave because he’s working very hard and with exceptional energy on the very necessary mission of MAGA. Deep State lib mob journalists need to learn their ■■■■■■■ place and defer to the Word Made Flesh.

This is why America doesn’t like Trump. He treats people like garbage.

Being PM/Cabinet member is a hard job question period is everyday, everyday you have to drag your butt down to the house (Congress) and sit there for an hour as the other side throw question at you.

The uploader has not been made available in this country. I can’t watch the vid. :angry:

“touching her” hahahahaaaaaa

Go see an eye doctor.

Everything. If I got specific, you would still not agree. But this is America. We don’t have to agree. I’m too tired to look up any specific quotes right now anyway.

This video contains content from Canadian Broadcasting Corp., who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds

the press should just walk out the next time SHS speaks. trump is a narcissist. if teh press would ignore him he would die.

all the major networks should just ignore trump. let bretbart,fox and teh other garbage news sources be the only ones to cover him

Trump hasn’t earned any respect from the press.

Since it matters so much to you, I hope he’s gone for good. He had no business touching that young lady.

Good for the White House. They need to protect their people from insane journalists.

Finally, a White Knight is here.

Several of the press members thanked him for being there today and taking questions and asked him to do it more often.

So there’s that. Guess your phony narrative is garbage.

Journalism is a mental disorder. They should be flushed twice.

CBC suck it such a good interview, youtube Pierre Trudeau, Just Watch Me its a heated debate outside of a government building unscripted in which a reporter accuse the Prime Minster of creating a police state, Trudeau turn it on him smoothly.