White house official mocks dying McCain

And yeah, Trump has basically given a green light to his supporters to say what they really feel. Hence comments like this or the songbird one.

It’s somewhat depressing to read the venom directed McCains way in any story that pops up atm. I might not like all of the guys politics, but he seems like a decent man who loved and served his country in the way he thought best.

I didn’t claim I’ve never voted for McCain.

You’re making that up. You have no way of knowing what if anything he’s said to the staff on the subject.

I’m not talking about his private comments, i’m talking about the very public way that Trump has talked about McCain or any other person he opposes for that matter.

Hell, look at the way he treated his primary opponents. Everything is fair game, whether it be taking shots at an opponents wife, or claiming their parents were involved in assassination attempts against a sitting US President.

That’s just who Trump is, and his voters know it. That’s what they voted for.


You go ahead and fly that MAGA hat high :grin:.

You make up what you want about other people but don’t attribute things to me I’ve never said or positions I’ve never held.

Right. You never said you didn’t vote for Trump…


Until you can come to the realization that McCain and Trump are two different people this conversation is pointless.

Yeah. That was my point.

Pathetic. You’re like a really bad golfer flailing away in a sand trap.

You are s right. Your side treated Obama with the utmost of respect until he started using twitter to call people names.

They are indeed.

Homophobe, nazi, racist, child killers, murderers, throw granny over the cliff, republicans are going to take away your medicare forcing you to choose between your prescriptions and eating, republicans are going to steal your social security and medicare to pay for rich people’s tax cuts, republicans are going to put you back in chains, If you want more James Byrd’s electe GWB, if you want blood in the streets vote republican (AWB), and all of these just right off the top of my head.

And those didn’t come from kranks and kooks on the fringes they came straight from the DNC and high profile democrats.

Spare us your childishness and dishonesty just once.

You don’t watch or listen to right-wingers, do you?

So your defense for this behavior is “Liberal made us do it”

Wow people will blame liberals for everything…

Didn’t know they were terminally ill

God bless John McCain and his family.

What do you expect from the Trump White House?

Trump mocked McCain and other POWs. He even mocked McCain when he was diagnosed with brain cancer. His supporters are even worse. He sets the example for people like Kelly Slater.

If Trump even have an ounce of decency, he would had fired her ASAP.

Anyone mocking McCain for being on his deathbed should rot in hell.

That’s funny…