White house official mocks dying McCain

At least your first sentence is correct

Your brush is way too broad.

I disagree.

Why then he haven’t extend his thanks to the Waffle House shooting hero?

What about his initial response to the Charlotteville incident?

What about the ■■■■■■■■■■ comment about African countries?

What about Trump’s crack about POWs?

Journalists are flat out partisans these days. Your comment was good for a laugh.

The person who said this should be sternly reprimanded. The leaker should be flat out fired.

if that is your criteria for being a racist, you do Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr great disservice. They didn’t fight just to receive platitudes. I’m guessing you have no idea what they fought for.

Sure. That was bad.
And it was discussed in full and handled in when, 2015?

Never to be spoken about again? Wow. the new rules since trump was elected are amazing.

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No one is mocking him just stating facts. If you don’t like the truth tough for you.

Difference between making a stupid offensive crack when someone is in good health and making a stupid offensive crack about his dying when someone is in terminal health. I don’t defend Trumps tastelessness, only that the issues are more important.
And he is not responsible for that aides comment.

But, of course.

Look just stop. You know that isn’t what I said. When you walking down the aisle between the pews tomorrow ponder “bearing false witness against another” on your way to that pedestal. Just don’t break your neck falling off of that high horse.

Got that right.

The leaker is a hero. As is the journalist that reported it.

pretty clear you said everyone in your life, then claimed you never said that. Seems clear to me you weren’t just talking about this board. Yet you call him a liar? How petty are you? You can’t come clean about so much as the smallest thing.


All the time being key.

Are we really to believe that there’s anyone living who has not uttered something unkind at least once in their life.

Even Christ once lost his temper and cut loose in the temple.

I’ve had about all of this sanctimonious bull ■■■■ I can stand from dishonest people pretending to be morally superior.

Part of human nature is running off at the mouth and often we say something without even thinking that once it’s out we know is going to be hurtful to others.

Now let’s go back to the point of this thread shall we?

What she said is absolutely correct. McCain is dying and thus he won’t matter much with respect to the nominations process. That is simply a fact isn’t?

It was tasteless and unkind of her to let it slip but nothing she said was untrue.

The histrioni outrage machine over every word uttered by someone in the WH is absolutely out of control.

The man has been invited to the WH to be recognized. I’d say that’s a step up from a tweet or shout out.

Go spend some time in Africa, come back and tell us how may countries there are not ■■■■ Holes.

His comments about Charlottesville were about the pro/against statue removal factions, noting more.

Remember when Obama spoke of people who clung to their guns and religion? Nothing he said was untrue, yet you probably received his comments a little bit differently than you are in this thread.

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