White house official mocks dying McCain

Why don’t you look hard for all the threads I started about it and my post’s pillorying him for doing so.

Give it your best shot then cite them here.

Ironic post of the year award goes to…

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Why don’t you all just go have a troll party somewhere else so the rest of us can have some actual discussions and conversations for a while.

Lol you can’t just say it was tasteless you gotta defend good ol Trump and team

Don’t break your neck falling off your high horse

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Well, he did say it was tasteless. And unkind. And it’s true that we all let slip dumb comments sometimes, to acknowledge that isn’t really defending team Trump. IMO.

So indignant. I feel empathy and sympathy for you that you believe what you’ve posted is normal behavior. Nothing more. But I will pray for you brother.

You don’t need a wall of text to just call something out. The “we aren’t angels” line is weak as this kind of behavior has become the norm for Trump and his staff

Just curious, have you ever considered reading before Trolling. Like I dunno, maybe the first five or ten posts in the thread?

That high horse you came riding in on just kicked you in the face with both feet.

Sure. But the reality is that it was a hateful, vile, intentionally hurtful comment. Not just some face-palm slip of the tongue. Sadler’s comment came from a place of hatred and animosity, which is what I took issue with. Normal people do not think this way.

Sure, normal people can absolutely make mistakes and say something unkind or hurtful. But in my view there is a wide gulf between that and downright hatefulness. The latter of which has become the status quo of this administration in so many ways. This callousness towards other humans is not only accepted, but fostered and encouraged. It’s a sickening cancer that needs to be cut out of our nation’s soul, less it does permanent damage.

And it is anything other than normal that happens frequently among all people, as Rose tried his desperate best to make it seem. This is not normal, and none of us should be trying to normalize it.

Oh, and shame on me.

Happy Mother’s Day!!! :relaxed:

Why don’t you climb down off that high horse long enough to explain just how a comment made in prive and not to McCain or anyone in his family was “intentionally hurtful”?

If you want to talk about hatefulness let’s talk about intentionally blowing this way the hell out of proportion purely for political gain.

I know what you said. That’s why I said you couldn’t “just” say it. You sprinkled it into a wall of text that was defending it and attacking other people for calling it out.

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millions of people are doing just that.

i was right all along.


Yep 2 10 char

I quoted the entire post.

And you’ve posted more than once in this thread. 99% of which defend the comments.

Why are you blowing everything out of proportion here? We are just calling out the comments as tasteless and you’re going crazy!

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Thank you!

I agree that it is only in a certain culture would anyone make a comment like that. It’s not a kind or respectful culture, or a culture of basic decency, but hopefully these people have learned something when a comment like that sees the light of day. [quote=“NebraskaFootball, post:310, topic:696, full:true”]
Oh, and shame on me.

Happy Mother’s Day!!! :relaxed:

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Well that quote didn’t work out so well.