White House leakers leak about leaking

lololol at tax cut going great… that is awesome…

Letting people keep their money.

Taxation is legal.

Now this would be some good TV.

By the number of businesses hiring.


You stated it as if it was some sort of benefit that the Trump administration is receiving as a result of their work. So you agree then that it remains unpopular, is not the reason for the economy doing well, and is causing the GOP to lose out on critical fundraising?

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It’s no longer “their” money when it’s legally collected as a tax.

Taxes are how the country runs. And the problem you’re going to find with the Trump tax cuts that that not only are a lot of people not keeping more of “their own money” but most of the people doing most of the keeping, especially long-term, are not the “average” person.

No, I didn’t… So, you agree with tax cuts but bash them, odd!

Yes, you did.

Providing links to articles that highlight current events is considered bashing something now? That’s odd. When did that become the new rule?

They’re working great at making CEOs and fat cats more money while increasing the debt/deficit.

We don’t need to spend more on the military. We need to spend our military money more wisely and efficiently.

They are? Source?

For the worse in many cases.

By imposing a sanction, then immediately dialing it back. What a negotiator!

Go ahead, count those chickens just like Hillary voters did before election day in 2016.

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lol tax cuts are working so great it is saving some people 40 bucks a month… woohoo they can afford a Costco membership

Unfortunately the rising cost of gas on the horizon, thanks to the withdrawal from the Iranian nuclear deal, will not only wipe out those savings, but cost Americans even more.

“The federal tax overhaul cut taxes for millions of American families and businesses. But the law also had an unintended effect: raising the state-tax bite in nearly every state that has an income tax.”

“The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which President Trump signed into law in December, did not directly affect state budgets. It cut federal tax rates, but also made other changes that mean more income will be subject to taxation. Because most states use federal definitions of income and have not adjusted their own rates, the federal changes will have big consequences for both state budgets and taxpayers.

“Residents of the majority of states would experience an unlegislated tax increase,” said Jared Walczak, an analyst with the Tax Foundation, a conservative think tank.”


I promise…promise…I wasn’t being serious.:sunglasses:

Lol “It was believable.”

And Trump weighs in.

What leaks? There are no leaks. You are the leaks. And the leakers are traitors. You know, the ones that aren’t actually leaking. And believe me, we will find them. Even though they don’t really exist. :flushed:

Shouldn’t he be at the hospital paying attention to his wife instead of sending out inane tweets?

He couldn’t even bother himself with wishing her a Happy Mother’s day yesterday. What makes you think he wants to spend any time with her while she is in a state that prevents her from serving him?

Lol that is classic.

In other words–there are lots and lots of leaks, we can’t do anything about it, we’re all doing it, and nothing is going to happen.

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