White House leakers leak about leaking

That is exactly what it means. He is so transparent, it is hilarious.

I’m sure his Baby Momma’s are used to him being a self centered ass.

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Yep. The rest of America certainly is, so I’d have to assume they are as well.

I heard on the radio he was going to see her “later”. Whatever that means.

He’s got Hannity to pillow talk late into the night with, anywho.

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I was being sarcastic. I guess you all don’t know me well enough, yet.

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Oh no, I picked up on it, and then piled on. :wink:

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No, I didn’t. Why would you accent negative parts of policy you like and agree with?

Yes you did.

Because I’m capable of having well rounded discussion around the realities of a situation, while putting aside my personal preferences.

I can believe something is necessary and great, while simultaneously acknowledging others may disagree with me.

Further, I can acknowledge supporting certain parts of policy, while simultaneously opposing other parts of the same policy. Take Trump’s position on immigration as an example. I can support a lot of his position, and at the same time oppose the ridiculous idea of building a Great Wall Of Mexico.

Some would say I’m capable of being multi-dimensional. As in, viewing be world from more than just a black-and-white perspective. I’m surprised I have to explain this to you. Well, not really.

I believe it is clear from the linked article. And the fact Trump himself has always been a huge leaker. Continues to be. And fosters an environment where infighting and back-stabbing is not only accepted, but encouraged. This is the natural end result of such an environment and under this style of management.

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Gordon Gekko?

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Kinda sorta in many ways. Not a bad analogy. Except without the obvious intellect Gekko exhibited. Also, Gekko clearly fought for every scrap he clawed his way to earning. As opposed to Trump having a silver platter with spoon-fed success at the ready. But the end result is still not that far off.

Drip drip drip the sounds of a draining swamp

So, trump’s point is “These leaks didn’t happen and we’re going to put in prison anyone we find who did leak these non-leaks”. GOT IT.

Eh, Trump isn’t relevant in my life anymore. The bad presidents tend to have that sort of impact, I suspect.

…being exposed. Isn’t it music to your ears?

Tell us about your “safe space”.

Honest question here Spidey. Do you sincerely believe Donald Trump has done more to drain the swamp than he has to fill the swamp? And if it is the prior, what specific actions have been taken by him can you point to that back up your belief? :thinking:

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Trump wasn’t/isn’t savvy in politics. You’re asking me my opinion so I’ll share it but these are dots that I’ve identified for myself. They are only now being connected and as they are, they become more visible. President Obama created an environment by appointing people to positions that worked together with people having the same mindset but in other departments, not normally working in unison. It was so tightly woven and closed mouth, it was hard to see outside of that circle. The FBI, IRS, NSA, DoJ, State Department and the CIA all working at the Commander in Chief’s agendas. Even the EPA was in on this. All would be rolling along as planned, except…Hillary didn’t win.

Now Trump is coming into this “deep state” and it’s both being unraveled and exposed. Trump was so naïve, he didn’t see it’s existence and relied on what he naively believed would be “loyalty”. They’ve screwed him and leaked on him every chance and opportunity there is to make him look bad. Don’t worry though…Trump makes that pretty easy to do.

As it’s being unraveled and people are being replaced, the evidence is coming to light. The emails, texts and other communications between the departments are coming to light proving the very existence of this deep state. Right now…that’s the swamp I’m talking about.

There’s another swamp that I call the political establishment but Trump can’t touch them…yet. Right now they’re sorting out among themselves whether or not they should jump aboard the Trump train, or continue riding the dump Trump train. As Trump is making progress on many fronts, many of those slimy bastards are jumping on the Trump train as if they’ve been riding it all along. Senator Lindsay Graham is the perfect example. I’ve said all this for almost two years and although it shames me that this is the direction the country I love has gone, it thrills me to watch it being turned back around whether it’s purposefully or accidently. I’ll take what I can get.

or having affairs.

like you are privy to private communications between a man and his wife. LOL !