Whistle-Blower Tells Congress of Irregularities in White House Security Clearances

Only an idiot would be unaware that I was asking that – even without the presence of a question mark.

And I have every faith that you were not tricked by that.

again, Trump is a clean businessman and politician. we should trust his judgement both internationally and domestically with our country’s security.

You’re ready to settle for the “recollection” of one underling too?

You’re just guessing it has not been so.

So goody for you. We both have our gut feelings on the matter.

How is anyone to know with any certainty?

So how about them Red Sox!

Does anyone think that today’s whistle blower would have spilled the beans on Obama? (Oh, no doubt people on both sides of that political divide would answer that question quite differently! And that’s all it really comes down to. No actual facts. Just extremes of both political sides. Which is why I think a full investigation of the practice is warranted.)

I don’t know what idiots know so I’ll take your word.

I only know what I read and with your ‘betting’ and ‘gut feel’ about the subject it wasn’t easy to see a question in there.

I trust the person who’s been handling these clearances for almost 20 years than anyone associated with fat donald.


Thus you are admitting that you picked out specific words you wanted to hang onto and ignored the rest.

Why are these trump appointed/hired people turning on him? Why didn’t they turn on Obama?

I know my answer… what’s yours?

Jared is using a private app to discuses classified information with the Saudis, at the same time the WH is violate federal law to sell nuclear information to the Saudis.

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Not to mention all the werd stuff with the murdered WP journalist and jeff bezos

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Well, he is in a much better position to know than you or I and thus far all I gave is your unsupported speculation.

Not saying it’s conclusive but…

Wait … If they were Trump appointed, they wouldn’t have been working under Obama.

You seem confused.

What are you even saying?

If you’re not saying it matters whether past presidents did this too, then what do we need to wait to learn more about, exactly?

What is there to learn which is relevant and matters to you?

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The stuff we complain about Obama doing sometimes for the last 8 years no longer matter because Obama did it first.

That is saying its okay to piss in a public park because you saw some guy do it once.

It’s a “she”.

And absolutely, nothing is conclusive. Either way.

Ignored “the rest” of what?

The Trump admin has proven time and time again to violate the same rules, people are still chanting “Lock Her Up” about.

Any extra reasons why we can give Trump a pass and shout TDS towards libs

Two wrong don’t make a right.
you learn that in kindergarten.