Whistle blower on CNN bias

I think a comedy director would be a great choice for them.

No, the right wing media did.

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Well, as of now some of those videos/ tapes have been released on Fox. They are pretty strong…Zucker ordering the staff to ignore other news because they are going full after pushing impeachment. Also, media managers making it pretty clear they go after Republicans much harder than after Democrats.
CNN will likely ignore this. And those who remain at CNN are getting to hear exactly what they want to hear.
I can think of at least one regular poster who will still claim that CNN is a great news organization. He needs to stop that.

Oops. It appears that poster has already been here. I won’t mention names.


oh my…

glimpses behind the curtain of what they show themselves to be anyway

edit: wait… someone still maintains CNN does real news?


I cannot wait for Jacob Whol and PV to join forces. That’s if he doesn’t end up in jail first.

do you “cannot wait” to see proof if CNN is a joke of a news org like you already probably know but dont care?

They created a series of 60 minute shows called
The Impeachment Inquiry: White House in Crisis

I don’t doubt for one second that the CEO wanted staff to focus on the impeachment.

Let’s contrast that with Tucker Carlson’s show on Friday. On Friday, the President lost three important court cases, FBI said that Giuliani was under investigation, Yovanavich testified for over 9 hours.

Do you know what Tucker opened his show with? Steve Kerr. Yes, he did 15 minutes on Steve Kerr to open his show. Tell us again how CNN was ignoring other news?

Hmm. I wonder if the talking heads at Fox were ordered to ignore bad news about the president and focus on other things?


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What are the tapes proof of? Just because they want to focus on a specific topics, doesn’t make them fake news. It might make them bias… which isn’t the charge Trump supporters give them.

All media is bias… I just don’t want them pushing false stories.

They are not just concentrating on impeachment they are pushing an impeachment. And impeachment that is almost certain to come to an end in the Senate.

I don’t doubt that there is a contrasting bias at Fox. Hey, maybe the left media could mention that sometime?

Bias was the story. I don’t doubt that most people believe that CNN has an anti Trump bias and that Fox news has a pro Republican bias.
There are a few holdouts for CNN though. This should put an end to that.

too bad you cant show otherwise

but you never can

Cnn is absolutely bias. Which is MUCH different than being deemed fake news.

I can. I watch. And I know that they have a bias. So, you are incorrect.

As for showing otherwise, I watched the hurricane approaching the US last year. I guess that was fake news, eh? With a political bias. And an agenda.

I used to say that Fox News was the only place where you could get fair unbiased news. However, lately they’ve been drinking the liberal kool-aid. That’s why people look to journalistic sources like project Veritas.


They are known for heavily editing their tapes. Pass.

Fox pushed a witch hunt and hoax. None of this is surprising. I fail to see the story here?

Our host was showing some of them tonight. Confirms what i already knew about that sorry DNN bunch.

CNN IS a great news organization. I can name one that wishes it was as good.

And all media is not biased, either.