Which is greater threat, Trump or our intelligence community?


If a president cannot trust his own spies, and thinks they are working against him and not the country’s enemies, then America’s national security will be harmed.

Sure seems to be the case. CIA so called spies view Trump a greater threat then China.

Speaking of China…what is CIA and NSA are doing about China and Russia? Seems to me they don’t have their priorities straight.

Seems to me it is goverment bureaucracy (democrat operatives) that has the power without accountability.

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It’s about time that Trump dissolves the government and declares himself dictator. This way there will never be investigations into his deeds. He simply can jail anyone who doesn’t agree with his actions.

TDS indeed.

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Maybe he could settle for doing away with the legislative filibuster and pack the supreme court instead. I hear those are perfectly fine things to do according to one parties Presidential hopefuls. Sure, it’s only about half way to being a dictator but you know, baby steps.

As long as the trains run on time I guess.

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Biden or Warren said that?

The answer is without question Trump. You have former presidents of his own party against him. That should tell you enough right there. But it won’t. You guys are being played like fools. When this is all over, Trump supporters will realize incredible humiliation at the stupidity they exhibited in their fawning support of this threat to our freedom. The real patriots these days are the people in our intelligence community who are fighting him. Thank God for them.


You’ve been defending it for the last two years.


Are they the only Democratic Presidential hopefuls?

In any case.

from 2020 Vision: Warren calls for end to filibuster

2020 Vision: Warren calls for end to filibuster in Senate

Harris and Sanders have also endorsed the idea.

Warren, Harris and Gillibrand, Buttigieg and O’Rourke have all said they are open to packing the court.

People wearing glasses should be singled out.


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I can agree with this and it’s one of the things I was hopeful about when Trump won. But nothing has changed other than the faces of some of the bureaucrats. Trump has failed to drain the swamp as promised.

Obama weaponized the intelligence community with his Deepstate, I would have to give Trump another 4 years before I’m satisfied the swamp is drained.

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Why is he waiting for a second term to start draining the swamp? He’s done nothing but add to it in his first term.

Is that why we have all these investigation into Hussain’s Deepstate traitors?

Because this is bigger then you think it is!

Lowest unemployment rate in over 50 years, I would say the prior Administrations were unqualified.

And Ill remind you Trump did in in just two and a half years!

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Good job ignoring all the investigations into Hussain and his Deepstate.

Sure he is, did those Liars that pushed the Russian collusion hoax convince you of this?:rofl:

You should be loving all those investigation into Obama’s scandals.:rofl:

I would say lowest unemployment rate in over fifty years is healing America from sicko Obama and the other Administrations.