Where the hell is Kamala?

It’s been 18 days since she has been put in charge of fixing Biden’s border debacle. Since then:

No press conferences
No plan
No trips to the border
No nuttin

I believe the only time she was questioned she responded by giggling.

So woke folk. Is doing nothing at all good enough for you? How long should she fiddle fart around and avoid responsibility before you demand action?

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Responsibility for what? Allowing future democrats into the country?


Idk. Probably working. Doing VP stuff.

You are right. Nobody knows. Since she she is working so hard at V.P. stuff and doesn’t have time to mess with the border or even talk about it, should Biden put some other fool in charge? Maybe someone less giggly?

I would suggest Googling “Harris border”, click on the “News” tab and see what pops up.

She’s off cackling somewhere.

Check willie brown’s house.


Why would I do that? Is there some hidden border plan, press conference or trip to the border that she wants to keep on the down low? I wasn’t asking for advice, I was asking for your opinion. Are you ready to give it?

Since she she is working so hard at V.P. stuff and doesn’t have time to mess with the border or even talk about it, should Biden put some other fool in charge? Maybe someone less giggly?

BTW, I did what you asked and got this.


Arizona AG says Kamala Harris hasn’t responded to his invitation to tour the border | Fox News

Training the dog


I believe this border mess that the Harris Biden Administration has created is very much VP stuff.

Is this VP Stuff? “Vice President Kamala Harris on Tuesday visited a bakery in Chicago, coming away with a piece of German chocolate cake – even as she faces scrutiny for not having visited the overwhelmed southern border.” VP Harris visits Chicago bakery even as border crisis escalates | Fox News

Or this? " Vice President Kamala Harris’ relative silence regarding the topics of immigration and border security – since taking on an oversight role on those issues – continued to draw more media scrutiny Saturday.

It was the 18th day that Harris went without holding a news conference regarding her duties on the issues, since receiving the assignment from President Biden. Kamala Harris has gone 18 days without a news conference since being tapped for border crisis role | Fox News

Is this VP Stuff? More than two weeks after President Joe Biden placed her in charge of addressing the crisis at the border, Vice President Kamala Harris has made few public moves to show she has a handle on the situation…Harris has visited Connecticut, California, and Chicago since her role was unveiled on March 24 amid mounting pressure on the White House to take action. Migrants have surged over the [border](https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/tag/border?utm_campaign=autolink&utm_source=internal&utm_medium=autolink) by the thousands since Biden took office, and the administration was unprepared to house the record number of unaccompanied minors who have crossed into the United States this year. Kamala Harris MIA on border crisis | Washington Examiner

Maybe this is VP Stuff! “VICE President Kamala Harris has been slammed for complaining about living in a DC mansion when she still hasn’t visited the US-Mexico border amid the current migrant crisis.” Kamala Harris blasted for ‘complaining about mansion and vacationing in California’ as border crisis explodes (thesun.co.uk)

Commie Harris was and is the worst possible choice as someone to be a heartbeat away from the Presidency, especially with an aging old coot like Biden in the White House. She’s far more comfortable accusing the folks from ICE and the Border Patrol of Racism in Senate Hearings and lying about Bret Kavanaugh and chuming around with Willie Brown than she is actually doing anything that matters.


Especially since it’s the only job she has been assigned. I also believe that for some reason our woke friends seem to be speechless.


She’s probably moving in to her new house

The sick stupid job this administration has done on the border should be enough reason for Americans to completely reject Democrats at every level. During the campaign Biden stated this. ““Let me put it another way. We could afford to take in a heartbeat another two million. The idea that a country of 330 million cannot afford people, who are in desperate need and who are justifiably weak, and fleeing depression is absolutely bizarre,” Biden said. “I would also move to increase the number of immigrants able to come but also to deal with all those migrants,” he added.” Biden says US can afford 2 million more immigrants and refugees | Washington Examiner

This administration is acting like it doesn’t care that the southern border is being over run, that 172,000 illegals crashed the border last month and maybe more this month, because it doesn’t care. The Harris OBiden administration is just fine with overwhelming the country with new illegals.

Yep. And it seems like our woke friends have thrown up the white flag. Refusing to defend their girl, because they can’t.

I’ve made no secret…I think that woman’s a damn disgrace. Her disgusting conduct during the Kavanaugh hearings was enough for all of us to reject her forever.

The possibility that when Biden’s diminishing mental capacity could leave a fraud like Harris as our nation’s first woman president is just sick.

Commie Harris is nothing but a grandstanding phony.


Where has Ms. Harris ever been?

Maybe Commie is afraid someone on the border will remind her of this…

Sen. Kamala D. Harris, Democrats’ new presumptive vice presidential nominee, once compared ICE to the Ku Klux Klan, telling the agency’s chief there was a “perception” that his personnel were using “fear and intimidation” in the same way the KKK did…The exchange drew fierce condemnation at the time in 2018 and again Tuesday, after Joseph R. Biden said she’ll be his running mate in his bid to unseat President Trump…Ms. Harris made the comparison during a Senate hearing, asking Ronald Vitiello, the agency chief, to explain what made the KKK so vile. He said the Klan used “fear and force” to achieve their political goals.Ms. Harris then said there was “a perception” that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement was using the same tactics as the murderous organization…“Are you aware that there’s a perception that ICE is administering its power in a way that is causing fear and intimidation, particularly among immigrants and specifically among immigrants coming from Mexico and Central America? Are you aware of that perception?” Ms. Harris said.

Kamala Harris compared ICE officers to KKK - Washington Times

This would be one reason why she is afraid to talk to them. They might demand an apology.

VP has always been a ghost position. Been that way since John Adams. VP’s basic job is to wait for the Pres to die.

Biden appointing her to the Border Crisis is just to have someone take credit and chest-thump if something good happens to occur. He put a black woman in that position to have the racism and misogyny flags as a shields against criticisms.


I think she should show some guts, go down and call the CBP the KKK to their faces. That’s what a real leader would do.