Where the hell is Kamala?

Here is some info on where VPs work and live.

That woman is far from a “real leader”.

Yeah, I know. Maybe you should find some info into what’s been going on there.

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No thanks.

I understand.

Sure thing! :+1:t2:

Im sure pleasing Trumplovers is the first thing on her to-do list.


Not the topic. The topic is not Not Trumplovers or Bidenlovers. Scroll up and read the title and you will get a clue. After you do that, I politely ask that you comment on where the hell is Kamala. Give it a try. Can you do that?

The Vice President was put in charge of the crisis at the border. She hasn’t done squat.

That has nothing to do with pleasing Trump Lovers.

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VP doesn’t do much.

What do Mike pence and Biden do when they were veeps.

Look good for the camera.

No much is expected from this or any veep.



Jbiden straightened out the Ukrainian justice system. Pence ran the COVID task force.

Jbiden said Fweedom was going to handle the border.


She hasn’t done squat because she doesn’t know what the ■■■■ to do and too stupid or stubborn to acknowledge that the cancelling of the immigration controls that were working was a colossal mistake.
The J’Biden regime has a media blackout and oafs like Pelosi perpetuating the lie the Trump administration left them with a mess??

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“The Vice President never does anything” is about the weakest argument I’ve ever read.

Commie Harris is supposed to be running this border crisis.

" Kamala Harris MIA on border crisis (msn.com)

"Harris has visited Connecticut, California, and Chicago since her role was unveiled on March 24 amid mounting pressure on the White House to take action. Migrants have surged over the border by the thousands since Biden took office, and the administration was unprepared to house the record number of unaccompanied minors who have crossed into the United States this year… But Harris has yet to unveil any plans to travel to the border, even as the situation worsens…

Later in the same piece. "Traveling to Connecticut shortly after her role was announced, Harris promoted the $1.9 trillion stimulus package and the childcare policies within it…She spent Easter weekend in southern California — but did not travel to the nearby U.S.-Mexico border. That trip involved a stop in Oakland, where she touted the White House’s infrastructure plan…During her Chicago visit, where she spoke about vaccines, Harris picked up a slice of cake at a local bakery — a detour that some conservatives, including Sen. Ted Cruz, attacked as a sign she hasn’t prioritized the border.

Let 'Em Eat Cake I guess. RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel said in the final paragraph of the linked piece…"“Given the scale of the crisis – exemplified by children being thrown over walls and the clear potential of a COVID-19 super-spreading event – one would expect the vice president to immediately jump on Air Force Two and get to the border,” Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel wrote in a Fox News op-ed this week…“Harris hasn’t even taken the time to hold a press conference since allegedly taking charge of the border situation,” McDaniel wrote. “She is working harder on avoiding accountability for the crisis than she is on trying to fix it. ”

She’s right. Harris is a total fraud.

The flood of future Dimbulbcrat voters dependent on the goobermint are here. Why should they give a rats ass if a few hundred of them die in the desert or 10 year old girls are raped for payment to be brought to America.
Even if the ■■■■ show were broadcast for American citizens to see the total debacle, the media oligarchs will run cover and somehow blame der Trumpmeister.


He did? why wasn’t he front and center during the COVID press conferences.

Trump ran the show, you know that.


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Just like Biden is running the show now.

Kamala is just nothing. A veep has to know their place, which ain’t much.


Oh. So this is a CEC talking point? Should have known.

To answer your questions in the OP, it appears she is taking some space in your head.

That really must be painful.