Where Is The Systemic Racism?!?

It’s extremely not quiet and very open.

Sorry about the incorrect assumption.

The voter suppression laws, are modern Crow laws. Just not quite as nasty.

I think calling people ignorant because they don’t believe your propaganda is pretty arrogant. That whole vanguard / organic intellectual thing.


I am posting facts and truth.
Example, I did not mention democrats, I mentioned liberals.

Not wasting my time on the other spittle.

What vote are they intended to suppress?

Well, since they are republicans, anyone who would vote for a democrat.


True. And maybe you can tell me who is being suppressed and how? Just calling something voter suppression ain’t gonna fly.

What? Not a race?

Hey, if it doesn’t exist just go find some black people and tell them that. Tell them they don’t know what they’re talking about. Tell them they only think it’s ever happened to them and what they think they’ve experienced is all wrong. Let’s get the word out, people!


Nobody is telling anyone anything.

But ignoring questions such as this make y’all look very dishonest. So no, I won’t “tell” anybody anything whose shoes I have not walked in. But I will ask this:

And maybe you can tell me who is being suppressed and how? Just calling something voter suppression ain’t gonna fly.

Fair enough?

Are you addressing me?

It’s not my problem if Blacks are resentful of being a minority.

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Most definitely not.



So…majority of Americans want voters to show ID. In fact 75 percent of em.

And so do I.

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I’m addressing everyone that says systemic racism doesn’t exist. Get out there and tell everybody that claims to have been affected by it at some point that they are wrong for thinking it happened as it doesn’t even exist.

Too funny…the one that calls anyone that doesn’t agree with em ignorant and stupid. Now that’s arrogant.

And funny that you’re attempting to throw that out after I called you out on it yesterday.


In this case arrogance is claiming you’re mentally superior…as we are seeing from this individual poster.

Really…how many unarmed Blacks killed by police in 2019? Hundreds? Thousands? How many?