Where is the media outrage for a 7 year old being killed in a Mcdonald's drive-thru in Chicago?

Yep…what’s your point?

There’s no intent to coexist in any aspect of BLM theology, unless you consider its founders buying luxury homes in predominantly white areas. You’re putting words into the mouths of an organization that proudly boasts of their Marxist credentials.

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Gosh, must be a coincidence then.

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BLM isn’t a theology.

Are there luxury homes in predominantly black areas?

Actually I’m using their words… or at least those before they changed their about us page.

I told you plainly…I speak in the morning here in Hannity Land based on what I witnessed the prior day and in the days that follow, it’s repeated.

So the right is “regurgibleating” you. Got it.

Now…months later, what I said, is being “regurgibleated”…and that’s how I roll . :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

The night’s not over…let’s watch together and see.

They don’t care. They are sick demented people. Driven by hate. They need help.


BLM is a 90 million dollar business that has done nothing but make the leadership rich. They have zero to show for that 90 million other than some sweet real estate deals.


Less and less think so.

Jesus is cool. His followers, not so much.

While that does match the description of some large religious organizations, BLM is still not a theology.


“Thieving charity” … as close as I have Greek for.

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Critical theory is.

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Pretty much sums it up.


It’s not.

Yes it is.

Critical theory has nothing to do with the supernatural or devine.

It is worshipped. Just like climate change.

How are they worshipped?

Blind faith.