Where is the 10% middle class tax cut Fat TrumpyBear promised?

I don’t know, we aren’t discussing hypotheticals yet.

Is this kinda like Trump getting Mexico to pay for the wall?

Is it really a hypothetical?

Obama claimed it would reduce healthcare costs. The repeal of Obamacare is projected to increase healthcare costs.

Was the number off? I don’t know.

Was the number made up out of thin air like Mexico paying for the wall? I doubt it.

But the bandage that is Obamacare obviously didn’t deliver as much as was desired or expected, for sure.

It’s also obvious that things would be even worse without it. Your healthcare system is insane, and it’s not because of too much Govt.

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He’s also better with the judges. I can’t wait until one of his own picks rules against him. Won’t that be fun?

That’s some weird logic. Obamacare in no way reduced healthcare costs by any number.

But I don’t want to argue with you.

The Dems winning the House was the single best thing that could have happened to Trump.

For some…Trump tax cut weren’t enough to offset Obama spike in health insurance. :wink:

This refresh bug is driving me nuts.

If costs are projected to go up 15%, you make a change to make them only go up 10%, you have in fact reduced costs. That’s not simply playing with statistics.

But ok.

Obamacare was a failure because it attempted to fix an unfixable system, imo. Break it down and rebuild.

For some, there was no tax cut.

For others, there was no spike.

Republicans know what will happen with a hard repeal. Hence why all those show votes disappeared the moment they took power.

“Skinny repeal” :laughing:.

One already has. Well, not against Trump personally, but it might as well be, as Mueller is going to destroy Trump.


Projections are not facts. Obama promised a reduction, not less of an increase.

You must have gone to a US GOVERNMENT accounting school. :wink:

Who didn’t get a tax cut?

All we can do is hope.

No, I’m definitely correct.

When did this become about me? I was making a general point, not specifically talking about myself.

And yeah, I called out Obama on, or vocally disagreed with Obama on, a number of issues. For someone who claimed to have followed me so closely, you sure do have a pretty bad memory of stances I’d taken, things I’ve said, issues/politicians I’ve defended/stood behind, etc.

And islamic terrorists. And national debt.


10nos and 10more.

Enough lower looping.

I’m digging how this thread is exposing conservatives even more.

And Trump’s ice cream. Don’t forget that.

I agree. Adios.

I got 3% from Trump. What’s 3% of $2500?